The chairman of Tata Sons is usually the chairman of the Tata Group. As of 2020, there have been seven chairmen of Tata Group. 【参考译文】塔塔集团董事长通常由塔塔集团董事长担任,截至2020年,塔塔集团已换了7位董事长。 Jamsetji Tata (1868–1904) Sir Dorabji Tata (1904–1932) Sir Nowroji ...
根据brand Finance发布的一份报告,从制造食盐到软件的综合企业塔塔集团(Tata group)保持了印度最有价值品牌的地位,其市值已突破250亿美元大关。与此同时,IT巨头印孚瑟斯(Infosys)保住了第二的位置。 Brand Finance表示:“在新冠疫情后的环境和地缘政治的不确定性中,印度最有价值的100个品牌集体呈现增长,自2022年1月...
全称: 上海典家家居设计有限公司(TATA GROUP)。 公司介绍 典家家居设计有限公司是香港锦锋国际有限在国内开设的全资子公司,锦锋国际,是一个集策略投资和经营管理为一体的综合型投资管理企业,由一群极具市场经验的业界精英于2004年12月在香港投资创立,企业内包括有建筑业,饮食业,酒店业,时装业等各业界精英。目前...
Tata Group is an Indian conglomerate of 30 companies across a wide range of industries, including automobiles, chemicals, consumer products, energy, engineering, financial services, information systems, materials, and telecommunications. Headquarters are
TSG sets the group level agenda on sustainability and develops group level policies and strategies on issues that impact the group. Through the sustainability KPIs adopted by the group, TSG also assesses the sustainability performance of the group year on year and will, in the future, enable the...
塔塔集团(TATAGROUP)副董事长印度印度的塔塔集团是该国最富传奇色彩的集团企业,它的未来领导人并不叫塔塔。|基于46个网页 2. 印度塔塔集团 印度塔塔集团(Tatagroup)预计在明年推出超亲民住宅产品,被取名为NanoHouse的组合件房屋,室内规画约6坪大小、售价 … ...
Leadership roles within Tata group:The TSMG platform provides opportunities for enterprising consultants to move into managerial and leadership roles within the Group. Many of our distinguished alumni have moved on to key strategy & leadership positions within the Tata group. ...
For over 100 years, the Tata group has been led by visionaries who have stayed true to the vision of the founder Sir Jamsetji Tata. Our vision articulates the Group's values and ideals that guide and govern the conduct of our companies as well as our colleagues in all matters relating to...
Tata group scuffle: a red flag for minority shareholdersShyam Sekhar
NEW DELHI, May 20 (Xinhua) -- Tata Group, one of India's largest conglomerates and GIC, Singapore's global long-term investor to manage foreign reserves, have reportedly joined hands to take over underperforming or debt-ridden luxury hotels in India. ...