Some modifications of the TATAAA sequence abolish the transcription of the gene, such as the mutation of the second T to a G; however, some variation in the TATA box sequence does occur when we compare different genes. Although the majority of plant genes contain a TATA box, the sequence ...
Alteration within the TATA box sequence usually results in abortion of the preinitiation complex, which may lead to cell death. We have been studying PT-ACRAMTU, a novel non-cisplatin type DNA targeting agent that has been shown to produce damage at 5'-TA (Budiman, 2004, , 8560-7). ...
Hogness等在真核基因中又发现了类似Pribnow框的共同序列,即位于—25~—30 bp处的TATAAAAG,也称TATA框(TATAbox)。基因(遗传因子)是产生一条多肽链或功能RNA所需的全部核苷酸序列。基因支持着生命的基本构造和性能。储存着生命的种族、血型、孕育、生长、凋亡等过程的全部信息。环境和遗传的互相依赖,...
TATA box指的是古菌和真核生物启动子区域里面的叫法,细菌中tata box的同系物被叫做pribnow box。两者功能类似但是pribnow box的序列相对较短,一般在-10 有6bp,在-35有8-12bp
This SNP is within a TATA box sequence (NATAAAA, where N= T or C) and the comparative sequence analysis of mammals myostatin gene promoters reveals that this TATA-box motive is conserved in position and sequence among some species including cattle, sheep and goat. The point mutation is not...
TATA box sequences (CRE/TATA) in their proximal promoter region. On the contrary, genes with promoters containing consensus CRE sites lacking close TATA box sequences (CRE/TATA-less) are not efficiently induced by neuronal activity. Activity-dependent gene transcription in neurons involves CRTC1 ...
TATA box-indepen- dent transcription of the human tissue plasmino- gen activator gene initiates within a sequence conserved in related genes. FEBS Lett. 1992; 309:130-134.Henderson BR, Sleigh MJ. TATA box-independent transcription of the human tissue plasminogen activator gene initiates within a...
sequences had at leas t one CA 灯一 box and C A 盯一 boxes were conc entrated in tl1 e area 5l ~ l59 bp ahead of wan seription initiation site .r I1le results indicated that the position of m 姒一 box in eukatyotic prom oters w as relatively f i xed and it rI light ...