Is Taste of the Wild Good Dog Food: Our Verdict Taste of the Wild earns the Dog Food Advisor’s overall brand rating of 4.5 stars, based on the weighted average of its most popular product lines. Laura Ward, our in-house pet nutritionist, said: “Taste of the Wild dog food prioritize...
I have been seeing and am very concerned about complaints regarding very sick dogs from the food. In particular, these complaints on Consumer Affairs. ANYONE here have any problems and has there been a recall? Has DogFoodAdvisor reconsidered their almost 5 star rating for Taste of the Wild?
In looking back, the highlight was not the mistake of undercooked food, but the laughter and humor that kept us entertained and engaged in story telling until an excellent meal was presented and shared. Perhaps some of the best-remembered dinner parties are those with a mishap or gaff attac...
And then there’s food… Food and I have had to redefine our relationship. Food was everything, and now my kids are everything. True to Disaster form, my kids are absolutely out of their minds in the food department. The list of foods that they dropped from their repertoire as they go...
Just as the North Koreans face a lifetime of propaganda through their government-controlled media outlets (all four of them), so too, we in the west are exposed to a very biased, exaggerated, negative view of the DPRK – the more negative and sensational – the better. ...