Strawberry Nice Cream Bar,6 tickets,味道不错。还有可爱的服务员姐姐~ 一层巧克力包裹着类似山楂冰的草莓冰淇淋,口感不是奶油冰淇淋,偏向冰沙,但真的太难咬了,我的一口八十岁老年牙差不多是要报废了。 Robinson’s No.1 Ribs 摊位15 @Amber 小小的一碗Taste of Tips,只要6张票,对比其他几家的份量,这碗Rib...
走着走着终于又见到一家亚洲餐厅,我的的心情也是有些小激动,点了菜单上的两道菜:第一份taste是半拳大小的一份炒粉丝Taste of Chap Chae(4张tickets),无功无过,接过来时还是温热,甜咸适中,对于亚洲胃来说真是美食节里的一股清流啊...(标准已经低到泥土里了,你们自己感受一下) 12张tickets的价格决定了这份...
The Taste of Chicago is back with another year of delicious food from over 30 food truck vendors and awesome music to listen to while you indulge!
You can stop by and try Chicago's favorites, like Lou Malnati's, Eli's Cheescake and The Original Rainbow Cone, through Sunday from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. Instead of buying food tickets, you can use cash or credit cards to pay at each food vendor. Admission is free. Don's miss...
Music lineup includes Masters of the Mic: Hip Hop 50; No food tickets will be soldByJessica D'Onofrio and Maher KawashSaturday, September 9, 2023It may be later in the summer but that hasn't stopped hunreds from heading to the Taste of Chicago to eat their way through some of the ci...
Tickets are available and can be purchased throughEvent Brightright now. In my humble opinion, this is one of those events you shouldn't miss. To find out more about Harvest Regional Food Bank check out theirFacebook Page, ...
New this year, Taste goers can purchase a seat at the Petrillo Music Shell for $25. Tickets are sold in Lawn seats are still free. Also new this year, the Taste of Chicago is adding 15 Pop-Up Restaurants that will serve food for only one day each. Those...
July 26-28th, 2024- Come and join us at the Taste of Lincoln Chicago for another year of great fun, food, activities, and entertainment. Celebrating the festival's 40th year!
Living in the city of Chicago comes with a lot of great benefits, and we really see that here. Although it can be quite busy at times, and while there might be crime in specific areas, there are also an endless amount of activities. From the sights to see, and the food to eat, to...
A Taste of the World with the Chicago Consular Corps Thu, Mar 6 • 5:00 PM Union League Club of Chicago From $55.00 Union League Club of ChicagoSave this event: A Taste of the World with the Chicago Consular Corps A Taste of Italy with KIDS CAFE at Frassati Wed,...