Historically, the goodness of the LORD is a central theme in the Psalms, reflecting His faithful and loving nature. This phrase reassures believers of God's benevolent character, inviting them to trust in His unwavering goodness. blessed is the manThe word "blessed" comes from the Hebrew "...
Those days at the lodge were marked by everything you hope having all the family together would bring — a lot of fun and joy. And yet, it was also marked by Sue’s compromised condition. So, as I read the following post again, I think of how it was being used of the Lord to p...
8 Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. Read full chapter Psalm 34:8 in all English translationsHebrews 6:5 New International Version 5 who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age Read full chapter ...
Set on Green Park quite alone finely faced-with Portland stone, at the summit of the Mall, stands this still unbroken spell, that's so well and widely known as the setting of the throne. Here, on any viewing day, all are free to come to pay and how happily some roam, thinking how ...
"You are the Salt of the Earth." Matt 5:13 /Eclectic: deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of experiences, knowledge, and interests.