Finally, Liu Guoyong, secretary general of the Chinese delegation, hasgiven the Chinese delegation two goals: win more golds than last time and stay COVID-free. “The total number of golds of the Chinese delegation in each Olympics has declined since 2008, and we want to stop this trend in...
when___being envious, we’re proud of people achieving their goals however___they may be. When you’re kind to other people,it’s a___that goes on. It’s the kind of___reaction that uplifts the whole world oneheart at a time. I believe in the magic of kindness! 1. A.offered...
The other members rode beautiful,registered horses. When Cowboy and I entered the events where the horse is judged on appearance, we were quickly shown the gate . No amount of preparation and love would turn Cowboy into a beauty. My only chance to compete would be in the speed events. ...
4. Among the qualities of “I”, which one(s)do you think will be important for us? Why?(In about 40 words) ___ 23-24高三上·北京昌平·期末查看更多[1] 更新时间:2023/01/05 15:27:31 【知识点】善行义举(个人) 抱歉! 您未登录,...
麻麻的书房 旁观就好 #Cædmon’s hymn 据Bede(英国历史之父)称,此为英国有记载的第一首诗歌 故事梗概如下: According to Bede, Cædmon was an illiterate cow-herder employed at the monastery of Whitby who miraculously recited a Christian song of praise in Old English verse. In the story, ...