在这个示例中,main函数创建了两个异步任务task1和task2,并使用asyncio.gather()来等待它们全部完成。这样可以确保在程序退出前,所有任务都已经执行完毕,从而避免了“Task was destroyed but it is pending!”错误的发生。
最近在写一个公司的项目发现当我在代码里面用asyncio.create_task创建一些后台协程,而且没有保留对该task的引用,那么这些后台任务有时候就会在没执行完的时候就退出了,只留下了task was destroyed but it is pending这个提示,让我非常困惑。 我一度以为是我使用的那些异步库有问题,因为我里面用了aiomysql,aiopika,a...
Describe the bug In case of setting a ClientTimout, we are getting the following issue: Task was destroyed but it is pending! task: <Task pending name='Task-3' coro=<TCPConnector._resolve_host() running at /my_env/git/nlastic-connections...
Our server uses tornado and gets "Task was destroyed but it is pending!" warning from time to time. The destroyed task appears to be the one created in _HandlerDelegate.execute in web.py fut = gen.convert_yielded( self.handler._execute(transforms, *self.path_args, **self.path_kwargs)...
Task was destroyed but it is pending! task: <Task pending name='Task-30' coro=<Bot.stop_bot() running at C:\Users\Frostyy\Desktop\SecretThingy but with GUI\main.py:45>> C:\Users\Frostyy\Python\Lib\asyncio\base_events.py:678: RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'Bot.stop_bot' was never ...
Error doing job: Task was destroyed but it is pending! 的错误信息。网上找了好多贴子,官方github...
* is about runnability, while task->exit_state are * the task exiting. Confusing, but this way * modifying one set can‘t modify the other one by * mistake. */ define TASK_RUNNING 0 define TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE 1 define TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE 2 ...
* is about runnability, while task->exit_state are * about the task exiting. Confusing, but this way * modifying one set can't modify the other one by * mistake.*//*Used in tsk->state:进程的状态都是2的次幂保证"与"操作可以得到所有状态*/#defineTASK_RUNNING 0x0000#defineTASK_INTERRUPTIB...
references to it have been released and all of its tasks have completed. If you need to be notified when a detached scheduler is eventually destroyed, create a Windows event and register it with the scheduler. The correct shutdown sequence for a scheduler object is shown in the following ...
[E 191029 10:54:51 base_events:1608] Task was destroyed but it is pending! task: <Task pending coro=<WebSocketProtocol13._receive_frame_loop() done, defined at D:\AndroidControl\Python37\lib\site-packages\tornado\websocket.py:1115> wait_...