Please also help check if you have configured the configure Network Access Account? Please refer to: Task Sequence Failed With The Error Code 0x80070002 Please help check the smsts.log to see if there is any further useful information. SCCM: How to copy SMSTS.log when a Task Sequence fails ...
Workstation Join fails error 1355 with full domain name provided Learn MSDN TechNet Forums Configuration Manager 2012 - Operating System Deployment 閱讀英文 儲存 新增至集合 新增至計劃 共用方式為 Facebookx.comLinkedIn電子郵件 列印 SCCM Task Sequence Failed Error Code 0x80070002 ...
ERROR: Task Sequence Failed with the error code 0x80070002. For more information, contact your system administrator or helpdesk operator. The error code 0x80070002 means the system cannot find the file specified. It’s regarded as a network error during the OSD where the necessary files are not...
Failed to open the task sequence key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\SMS\Task Sequence. Error code 0x80070002 TSAgent 2021/4/21 19:23:17 5672 (0x1628) Failed to open the task sequence key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\SMS\Task Sequence. Error code 0x80070002 TSAgent 2021/4/21 19:23:17 5672 (0x1628)...
2024-11-12 08:38:51, Error DISM DISM Driver Manager: PID=2852 TID=1556 Failed to import driver package 'C:\_SMSTaskSequence\OSD-Drivers\Video\N3ADR45W\iigd_dch_d.inf'. - CDmiDriverStore::Import(hr:0x80070002) 2024-11-12 08:38:51, Erro...
GetTsRegValue() is unsuccessful. 0x80070002. TSManager 15.06.2017 14:12:20 1476 (0x05C4) End program: TSManager 15.06.2017 14:12:20 1476 (0x05C4) Error Task Sequence Manager failed to execute task sequence. Code 0x80004005 TSManager 15.06.2017 14:12:20 1476 (0x...
The error code 80072ee7 means "The server name or address could not be resolved". Please help check if there is valid network adapter for the device. Refer to: SCCM Task Sequence Failing - 0x80072ee7 Also try to verify DNS is working correctly with an nslookup test. Refer t...
Choose the task sequence you have created.Choose the capture option and supply the location and file name.Supply the credentials that LiteTouch will use to connect to the deployment share.View the summary and click ‘Begin’ to start the task sequence. If you receive error “A...
Unknown error (Error: 80042413; Source: Unknown) TSManager 15.06.2017 14:12:20 1476 (0x05C4)Executing in non SMS standalone mode. Ignoring send a task execution status message request TSManager 15.06.2017 14:12:20 1476 (0x05C4)Task Sequence Engine failed!...
I am having issues where my OSD Task Sequences Fails at "Applying Operating System" Error 0x80070002. This is after I ran a full site back-up / restore to a new server. I have transferred all packages/images, and have checked all permissions...still not working. ...