*/publicfunctionhandle(){// $this->info('I am handsome');// $this->error('I am not ugly');$user=['email'=>'XXX@XXX.com',//一个有效的邮箱接收地址'name'=>'liuxiang',];$status=Mail::send('emails.send',['user'=>$user],function($msg)use($user){$msg->from('XXX@XXX.com'...
原文引自:Send HTML Email and attachment Powershell 然后,在Task Scheduler的任务里面,最后的位置添加一个Action,设置如下: Program:C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe Arguments:-command "& 'C:\SendEmailScript\SendMail.ps1'" 调试运行时发现还是有问题,在PowerShell里面运行,发现有错误...
Laravel中Artisan Command内容可以参看:服务 —— Artisan Console,Mail邮件服务内容可以参看:服务 —— 邮件,以及Task-Scheduler任务定时器可以参看:服务 —— 任务调度。 Artisan Command 新建一个artisan command: php artisan make:console SendEmails --command=emails:send 并在AppConsoleCommandsSendEmails.php文件中...
batch-file pdf cmd taskscheduler 1个回答 0投票 我解决了从sendEmail.exe更改为cMail.exe的问题: @ECHO OFF :: set the time and date YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS.UUU for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims==" %%i in (`wmic os get LocalDateTime /VALUE 2^>NUL`) do if '.%%i.'=='.LocalDateTime.' ...
When we choose Task Scheduler to schedule automated tasks and we choose to send an email based on an event log, we can choose between specifying basic event trigger settings or custom event trigger settings. If we choose the basic event trigger settings, a single event from a specific event ...
Find out how you can make your Windows 7, Vista Task Scheduler send you email notifications automatically using Create Basic Task option.
The Windows Task Scheduler can automatically send email at a specific time or in response to a specific event, but its integrated email feature won’t work very well for most users.
Most Windows users know about the Windows Task Scheduler by now. In this article, I'm going to show you how you can use Windows Task Scheduler in combination with the awesome SendEmail [Broken URL Removed] SMTP command-line tool to send off scheduled, automated emails that include multiple ...
Task Scheduler 2.0 in Windows Vista expands on the features and tools of the earlier versions. Task Scheduler provides several new functionalities and capabilities. Task Scheduler now provides the ability to: Send notification automatically about a problem on a local or remote computer by sending an...
Windows with C++: Task Scheduler 2.0 Netting C++: Describing the EEK!-osystem .NET Matters: Deadlock monitor { End Bracket }: Matrimony mashup November December Save Add to Collections Add to Plan Share via Facebookx.comLinkedInEmail