i continue to have the same problem after specifying the "Start In:" parameter. When I execute the bat file manually in a cmd.exe window, it runs normally. When I execute it in the Task Scheduler, I get "Operational Code"="(2)", and the bat file appears to have finished partially,...
Friday, February 24, 2017 2:11 AMSo, I've been doing some testing. I'm creating the below scheduled task and it works fine as long as I don't modify the repetition attribute. As soon as I want it to repeat I get a "cannot find file" error in task scheduler. If I change it ...
In this regard, a predictive user-level scheduler is developed by Jiménez et al. [35], with the objective of efficiently scheduling the tasks to the most suitable computing unit (CPU or GPU) considering the characteristics of the code to be scheduled and computing units present in the system...
Channel: Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational TaskName: \MyTasks\Ping Make sureOperationallogs are enabled for Task Scheduler events. Open the Event Viewer console (eventvwr.msc) and go to the Applications and Services Log -> Microsoft -> Windows -> Task Scheduler -> Operational. Right-cl...
Get-WinEvent-MaxEvents1-FilterHashtable @{logname='microsoft-windows-taskscheduler/operational';ID=322}| Select @{n='Time';e={$_.TimeCreated}},@{n='Source';e={$_.ProviderName}},@{n='EventId';e={$_.Id}},@{n='ResultCode';e={$_.Properties.Value[2]}},@{n='Message';...
Get-WinEvent-MaxEvents1-FilterHashtable @{logname='microsoft-windows-taskscheduler/operational';ID=322}| Select @{n='Time';e={$_.TimeCreated}},@{n='Source';e={$_.ProviderName}},@{n='EventId';e={$_.Id}},@{n='ResultCode';e={$_.Properties.Value[2]}},@{n='Message';e={$_...
HDInsightSparkTaskEvents Spark 任务事件。
> Log Name: Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational Source: > Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler Date: 6/24/2012 1:14:16 PM > Event ID: 101 Task Category: Task Start Failed Level: > Error Keywords: (1) User: SYSTEM Computer: Some > Computer Name Description: Task Scheduler failed to star...
ACSEmailUserEngagementOperational ACSJobRouterIncomingOperations ACSRoomsIncomingOperations ACSSMSIncomingOperations ADAssessmentRecommendation ADFActivityRun ADFAirflowSchedulerLogs ADFAirflowTaskLogs ADFAirflowWebLogs ADFAirflowWorkerLogs ADFPipelineRun ADFSSISIntegrationRuntimeLogs ADFSSISPackageEventMessageContext ...
It sounds like the issue may be in the code not task scheduler. You can get more details of task events by checking; Event Viewer\Applications\Microsoft\Windows\TaskScheduler\Operational Regards, Dave Patrick ... Microsoft Cert...