would just iteration around this while loop one extra time. */ulTaskNotifyTake( pdTRUE, xTicksToWait ); }/* No tasks are waiting for receive notifications, so set xTaskToNotify back to NULL. The book text contains notes as to whether the following line needs to be protected by a critic...
本节源码是FreeRTOS_22_tasknotify_tansfer_count,基于FreeRTOS_13_semaphore_circle_buffer修改。 本程序创建2个任务: 发送任务:把数据写入唤醒缓冲区,使用xTaskNotifyGive()让通知值加一 接收任务:使用ulTaskNotifyTake()取出通知值,这表示字符数,打印字符 ...
9.3 示例22: 传输计数值 本节源码是FreeRTOS_22_tasknotify_tansfer_count,基于FreeRTOS_13_semaphore_circle_buffer修改。 本程序创建2个任务: 发送任务:把数据写入唤醒缓冲区,使用xTaskNotifyGive()让通知值加一 接收任务:使用ulTaskNotifyTake()取出通知值,这表示字符数,打印字符 main函数代码如下: int main( v...
本节源码是FreeRTOS_22_tasknotify_tansfer_count,基于FreeRTOS_13_semaphore_circle_buffer修改。 本程序创建2个任务: 发送任务:把数据写入唤醒缓冲区,使用xTaskNotifyGive()让通知值加一 接收任务:使用ulTaskNotifyTake()取出通知值,这表示字符数,打印字符 main函数代码如下: int main( void ) { prvSetupHardware...
韦东山freeRTOS系列教程之【第九章】任务通知(Task Notifications),文章目录系列教程总目录概述9.1任务通知的特性9.1.1优势及限制9.1.2通知状态和通知值9.2任务通知的使用9.2.1两类便同学
See http://www.FreeRTOS.org/RTOS-task-notifications.html for details. Parameters xTaskToNotify The handle of the task being notified. The handle to a task can be returned from the xTaskCreate() API function used to create the task, and the handle of the currently running task can be obta...
Task.c是FreeRTOS源代码中负责任务管理的文件。它包含以下主要部分: 任务创建:使用xTaskCreate和xTaskCreateStatic两个函数来创建任务。用户可以设定优先级、堆栈大小等。 任务控制:提供任务挂起(vTaskSuspend)、恢复(xTaskResume)和删除(vTaskDelete)等功能。允许动态地管理任务执行顺序和生命周期。 任务查询:函数如uxTask...
See http://www.FreeRTOS.org/RTOS-task-notifications.html for details. Parameters xTaskToNotify The handle of the task being notified. The handle to a task can be returned from the xTaskCreate() API function used to create the task, and the handle of the currently running task can be obta...
Additionally, using task notifications is 45% faster than using communication objects. Each task has a 32-bit notification value as a 32-bit unsigned integer. When a task is created, its notification value is cleared automatically. This chapter is about the FreeRTOS task notifications application ...
#if ( configUSE_TASK_NOTIFICATIONS == 1 ) volatile uint32_t ulNotifiedValue[ configTASK_NOTIFICATION_ARRAY_ENTRIES ]; volatile uint8_t ucNotifyState[ configTASK_NOTIFICATION_ARRAY_ENTRIES ]; #endif /* See the comments in FreeRTOS.h with the definition of ...