: There's a thing called "Search 3" in my task manager that I haven't seen before. the icon is greyed out with a white X, and I cannot open file location. I've tried to end the task, but it won't close. I've tried a malwarebtes scan but nothing is showing ...
I understand that the Power and Location notification icons are greyed out in the settings. I'll certainly help you with this. I would suggest you to terminate explorer.exe and then restart it. Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete and click on task manager. Locate explorer.exe and right click on...
Task sequence working directory: This location is also referred to as the task sequence cache. Configuration Manager client cache: Use this option to store the content in the client cache. By default, this path is %WinDir%\ccmcache. Custom path: The task sequence engine first downloads the ...
second this it is very annoying, I tried using it once ot mask, and it didn't do anything just selected then greyed out my other menus with no options to get out of tool. had to task manager end it in windows 10 to get out of photoshop. Votes 2 Upvotes Translate Transl...
as you choose to enable or disable them. Alternatively, you can use the buttons on the top of the Task manager to carry out the same functions as the right-click context options. You can also see their file location, and their properties, search them online if you find them doubtful, ...
Task sequence working directory: This location is also referred to as the task sequence cache. Configuration Manager client cache: Use this option to store the content in the client cache. By default, this path is %WinDir%\ccmcache. Custom path: The task sequence engine first downloads the ...
"Open Microsoft Edge with" is grayed greyed out, cannot change "Sync your settings" options are unavailable - linked account issue? "The Downloaded Maps Manager service hung on starting." "USER" folder - can I delete stuff? "Windows Login Reminder" asking clients to lock and unlock to updat...
To return a SLAC, you must open a case instead. Go to Support Case Manager. Click Open New Case and select Software Licensing. Select the applicable category and click Open Case. Ensure that you provide the Smart Account, Virtual Account, device UDI information in the case. The licensing ...
Automatically End A Process In Task Manager Automatically log off inactive users via a scheduled task Automatically move users to OU on basis of attributes. BAD address / this address is already in use Basic disk vs Dynamic disk performances bat script to share a folder Batch File - ...
I queried the SQL DB (System_DATA table) for the unknown guids (can be seen in your log file below) and found the offending client. Reinstallation of the client (and removing of the smscfg.ini + the SMS certs) resolved the issue, as the co...