特遣舰队指挥官(Task Force Admiral)Demo试玩共计4条视频,包括:开场CG、Main Menu RC、博物馆与珊瑚海剧情战役等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
【Task Force Admiral Demo】日本人损管最逆天的一集?列太太你没事真是太好啦!——TFA试玩版珊瑚海海战再试 01:28:54 【Task Force Admiral Demo】全歼五航战!我手上五艘巡洋舰干嘛不直接突脸?——TFA试玩任务珊瑚海海战 01:46:09 【Task Force Admiral Demo】这破Demo谁爱玩谁玩去吧——TFA试玩珊瑚海海...
Task Force admiral Vol.1: American Carrier Battles 是一款聚焦于太平洋战争早期美国航母特遣舰队指挥的单人游戏。你作为总指挥,要负责搜寻并摧毁敌方海军部队,阻止对手日本海军完成其目标。为了达成目的,你可以调动1942年人类所知最强大的海上力量投射武器——舰载机编队和支援它们的特遣舰队。
Join the American Task Forces and turn the tide of battle through some of the most iconic & critical moments of the war at sea. Play the Demo KICKSTARTER REWARDS | SNEAK PEEK Here’s a quick sneak peek at just a few of the special digital and physical rewards launching with the Kick...
Vice Admiral: Super VIP Physical Edition AU$ 1,000 約$ 631 The VIP edition is not enough for you? Wanna show more love? So do we! Get immortalized in Task Force Admiral and allow us to turn your face (or that of you...
)} 宣傳活動 已結束 回報 發起人 新 常見問題 5 更新11 留言151 社群 支持這個專案 發佈時通知我 播放 我們喜愛的專案 Newcastle, AU 電玩 AU$ 382,675 已認繳(總目標 AU$ 30,000) 2,201 名支持者 籌款期 2月 18 2025 -...
特混舰队司令游戏前瞻(Task Force admiral Vol.1: American Carrier Battles),聚焦于太平洋战争早期美国航母特遣舰队指挥。从开发日志来看,野心不小,要做成硬核的海战指挥游戏。#游戏前瞻# 制作组推荐的类似游戏也是硬核向的兵棋推演游戏,希望不要做成《战斗位置》之类不伦不类的海战游戏 L近卫步兵师的微博视频 ...
As a carrier task force admiral in this pioneering age of air/naval warfare, assume the mantle of retribution in this innovative interpretation of a classic topic, as the first title in a new series that will further explore and develop the genre. Forget about the limitations of the past, ...
Some animated fun for you all, because sometimes pics are worth a thousand words. But we're still going have a few hundreds of these.