刚刚从服务器拉下来的代码,随后在AndroidStudio中build的时候报 Task 'assembleXXXDebug' not found in project ':app'. 原因: 因为在build.gradle中有配置build选项,当前配置选项跟当前build版本不一致时就出报出此错误。一般编译器都会自动更改过来,但有的时候可能因为其他因素导致未能自动更改过来,这时就需要手动更...
然后,你可以通过运行./gradlew myCustomTask(在命令行中)或在Android Studio的Gradle窗口中点击myCustomTask来执行这个任务。总之,当你遇到’Task xxx not found in root project xxx’错误时,首先要检查任务名称是否正确,然后确认你在正确的模块中查找任务,并确保Gradle项目已经同步。如果问题仍然存在,你可能需要查看bu...
您可以尝试使用 ./gradlew clean 命令清理构建目录,然后重新构建项目。 检查插件和依赖项:如果您使用了 Gradle 插件或依赖项,请确保它们的版本与您的 Gradle 版本兼容。有时,插件或依赖项的问题可能会导致任务无法找到。 结论 ‘Task not found in root project’ 错误通常是由于任务名称错误、任务位置错误或 Gradle...
在Android Studio的菜单栏中,选择"Build" > “Clean Project”,然后再选择"Build" > “Rebuild Project”。这将清除项目中的所有生成文件,并重新构建项目。 总结 在开发Android应用程序时,"Task ‘wrapper’ not found in project ‘:app’"错误可能是由于Gradle配置文件缺少必要的配置或配置有误导致的。通过检查Gr...
如果清缓存重启都不管用,就新切一个分支出来,clean & run 真正的报错就出来了,然后解决就可以了 error:Validation of GraphQL query document failed :app:installApolloCodegen.../main/graphql/auth/Rise.graphql:Cannot query field"accid"on type"User".error:Validation of GraphQL query document failed:app...
Clean the project Build | Clean Project If You See This... In my recent builds, I kept seeing horrible fails (pages of exceptions) but within seconds the messages would clear, build succeeded and the app deployed. Since I could never explain it and the app worked, I never noticed that ...
报错信息提示 (Task 'installDebug' not found in project ':app') image.png 问题解决 根据各种信息定位,大致的修复方法是,通过AndroidStudio 打开项目,并clean 项目 看到这里,大致猜测,AndroidStido 必然帮助项目完成了某些初始化动作 首先:使用2个初始化项目,一个使用AndroidStudio打开,一个不用 其次,diff 2个...
Task 'installDebug' not found in project ':app'. Some candidates are: 'installDevDebug'. Try: Run gradlew tasks to get a list of available tasks. Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get...
dulmandakhclosed this ascompletedAug 9, 2019 I am not sure would it work after clean and rebuild. i also did and gave the sdk path in root project export ANDROID_HOME=/home/mycomputer/Android/Sdk/ export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools ...
inputs: command: mvn clean package - upload_artifact: inputs: path: "**/target/*.?ar" Configuring Basic Information In the navigation pane, choose CICD > Build. Click Create Task. On the displayed page, configure the basic information of the build task by referring to Table 2. Click Ne...