"Didn't find two or more tasks to release");return;}// If we have activities in multiple tasks that are in a position to be destroyed,// let's iterate through the tasks and release the oldest one.finalintnumDisplays=mActivityDisplays.size();for(intdisplayNdx=0;displayNdx<numDisplays;++...
There are 2 consumers. One of them is a bit behind. It will catch up on next pop; The last block is for new items. It has space for 4 more items. Compared to a trivial queue which would take a mutex lock on each pop and push, this MCSP queue under extreme contention is faster...
C:\Users\Tharaweto\Desktop\3.2.0\app\cirilla\build\webview_pro_android\intermediates\runtime_library_classes_jar\release\classes.jar:io/flutter/plugins/webviewflutter/GeneratedAndroidWebView$W ebViewClientHostApiCodec.class, C:\Users\Tharaweto\Desktop\3.2.0\app\cirilla\build\webview_flutter_andro...
5、 exc_server 根据端口设置的 behavior 参数来选择调用什么方法来获取相应的线程信息: catch_exception_raise、catch_exception_raise_state、catch_exception_raise_state_identity ,就是三个函数之一 6、如果上述函数处理后返回 KERN_SUCCESS ,那么 exc_server 准备返回消息发送到内核,使得线程从异常点继续执行。如果...
{ const inputString: string | undefined = tl.getInput('samplestring', true); if (inputString == 'bad') { tl.setResult(tl.TaskResult.Failed, 'Bad input was given'); return; } console.log('Hello', inputString); } catch (err:any) { tl.setResult(tl.TaskResult.Failed, err.message)...
}).catch((err: BusinessError) => { console.error(`Failed to operation stopBackgroundRunning. Code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`); }); } async function processAsyncJobs() { // 此处执行具体的长时任务。 // 长时任务执行完,调用取消接口,释放资源。 stopContinuousTask(); }...
}).catch((err: BusinessError) => { console.error(`Failed to operation stopBackgroundRunning. Code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`); }); } async function processAsyncJobs() { // 此处执行具体的长时任务。 // 长时任务执行完,调用取消接口,释放资源。 stopContinuousTask();...
This API is used to create an expired key scan task. Redis 3.0 does not support expired key scan.The keyspace will be scanned to release the memory used by expired keys t
13.1 主线程的异常捕捉不到子线程的异常信息。所以新开辟的子线程要写属于自己的try...catch... 子线程如果不阻塞,主线程是捕捉不到。但最最好还是在子线程里书写自己的异常捕捉机制。 多线程异常处理方法 13.2 AggregateException集合 当wait、TResult时会抛出异常;可以一个一个遍历异常,Handle遍历异常数组,需要上抛...