IELTS Writing Task 1: Model Answer The diagram illustrates the basic principles of hydroelectric power. The process requires the construction of a large dam connected to a powerhouse. The dam creates a large reservoir and the powerhouse is where the electricity is generated. First of all, water ...
参照IELTS Simon 会员网站 ( )的分类,共有 7 种,按顺序如下图展示 Line Graph(曲线图)Bar Graph(柱状图)Pie Graph(饼状图)Table(表格)Process(流程图)Comparison diagrams / maps(比较 2 个流程或地图)Two different charts(比较 2 种不同类型图) 行文要求 1、必须严格按照雅思官方公布...
To attempt an IELTS process diagram essay, a test-taker has to analyze the question, recognize the key characteristics of the diagram, and write an introduction relevant to the diagram. Then, they need to note down an overview, summarize the information of what is represented in the diagram b...
15天搞定雅思写作Task 1:IELTS Process Diagram process diagram这种题型并不常见,但也是会考的。写作模式还是和task1很像,还是分三部分: 1. Introduce the diagram 2. Give an overview of the main point/s 3. Give the detail 写作第一部分的各种题型都有自己的答题策略,今天我们就来先看一下在回答Process...
IELTS Task 1 Process This is another example of an IELTS task 1 process. This is a fairly simple example so it is good if you are new to processes. In the actual test it is likely to be a bit more difficult. The important things to remember when you write about a process are:...
IELTS Writing Task 1: Question Today’s example of a process diagram is just for fun. It’s unlikely that you would be asked to describe a process this difficult in the real test! The illustration below shows the process of tying a bow tie. ...
the bottles are sent to a glass factory where they are broken into pieces. The process continues with burning these pieces in furnaces at the hight temperature , and then the liquid is produced. The recycled liquid glass and the new liquid glass from other sources are then shaped in a glass...
IELTSWritingTask1--bysimon Ielts-simon IELTS Writing Task 1: describe a process Here is some more advice for describing a process diagram. The question I'm using comes from Cambridge IELTS 6. It's also on this website(go down the page to test 3).Advice:1.Introduction: paraphrase the ...
In this IELTS task 1 verb quiz you will be tested on your knowledge of verb forms in processes/diagrams. Process or diagram descriptions occasionally arise in the test, though they are less common than other types of graph. You need to place the correct verb into the gap. Remember that wi...
例如,表示过程我们通常用“process”或“procedure”,过程的各个阶段和步骤我们可以用“stage”或“step”来描述。在谈到第一个步骤时我们可以用连接词“In the first place”、“To begin with”、“In the first stage”等引出。在进入中间的步骤时可以用“Then”、“Next”、“After this/that”等,最后一个...