注1:由于题干本身描述的信息就比较具体,所以改写时并没有采取“补充”的手法。 注2:但考官的第一句还是可以被补充的,比如:thebar chartshows the time spent by... 以“柱状图”替换“图表”,我把考官的改写得更加的具体,这在小作文写作时也是可取的一种快捷改写的方式。 注3: 有关具体改写的词汇、词组和...
1 写作Task1 A 类 academic 时间:15-20 分钟 字数:150 词以上 题目类型:6 大类 线形图(Line Graph) 柱状图(Bar Chart) 饼状图(Pie Chart) 表格(Table) 流程图(Diagram) 地图题(Map) 评分标准: 1 完整切题+2 观点连贯有逻辑+3 用词准确地道+4 句子准确多样性 文章结构 2 每日一练: 题源Cambridge ...
Describe each element of the chart in a separate paragraph. Tell about each museum's number of visitors and how it changed throughout the period. Usevocabulary to describe graphs.,linking structuresandwords from academic wordlist. Model answer The bar chart compares the yearly number of visitors ...
youtube, 视频播放量 8、弹幕量 0、点赞数 0、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 1、转发人数 0, 视频作者 fjmom, 作者简介 Central South University,相关视频:IELTS Writing task 1,IELTS Writing Task 2 BAND 9 SAMPLE Essay _ PROBLEM - SOLUTIONS,不吹不黑,这才是标准的雅思
Sample 4 Bar chartIELTS Academic Writing Task 1In this task you will be presented with a graph, table, chart or diagram and asked to describe, summarise or explain the given information. How to answer IELTS Academic Task 1? 1) Analyse the graph Firstly...
2025-02-15: Task 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The bar graph shows the total income of three different types of music industries and the number of people they employed in the UK from 2013 to 2015.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and...
IELTS Writing Academic Task 1 - Bar Charts - IELTS Writing Tips & Strategies for 1.1万 14 00:54 App 【雅思题库】1.18-3.29雅思预测已出🔔原题重现率89%! 20 0 01:28:59 App IELTS Writing_ Tips to Improve your Score 28 0 15:29 App IELTS Writing Academic Task 1 Tips - Tables -...
Now let’s look individually at the types of graph that you are likely to meet in the exam and how to describe them. Bar Charts for The IELTS Academic Task 1 Writing Hopefully you will have described the title of the bar chart in your introduction so you can go straight into the descri...
The IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 essay has you write a 150-word report about a bar chart (also referred to as a bar graph), a process diagram, a table, or a pie chart. In each of these formats, you will need to use slightly different language to describe what you see. If you’...
•Task1 •Report(Academic)/Letter(General) •150w,20m •Task2 •Essay •250w,40m 4 WritingBooklet •WritingBooklet •ningboyu_nos@yahoo •Password:ieltswriting •PencilandEraser 5 Scoring •Examiner •Task1and2:0-9