6月23日,这位博主Tasha K在她的推特页面上发布了一个没有日期的视频,声称视屏中的女人从2013年开始一直与Cardi B的丈夫Offset有染。 Tasha K称这个女人是Suge Knight的女友,据称这个视频是在Cardi B和Offset在好莱坞的家中拍摄的。 Tasha K还分享了一张截图,称这是她和所谓Offset小三之间的短信对话,这位小三声称...
Cardi quicklyrespondedto the diss via Twitter as writing, "And Tasha K with your despicable a**.. to bring up Takeoff to prove a fake a** point is disgusting. I lost weight, I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, me and my man STILL dealing wit that to to this day." The 40-year-...
AceShowbiz-Cardi Bhad to check whether she truly got her $4 million from Tasha K. After the blogger declared that she already paid the money as she lost their libel case, the "WAP" hitmaker said she wanted to see if the claim was true. On Saturday, April 1, Tasha informed her social...
BloggerLatasha Kebe,akaTasha K, isreportedlyasking a federal court to stop rapperCardi Bfrom garnishing her bank accounts until after her appeal is heard. The recording artist, whose real name isBelcalis Almánzar,moved togarnishTasha K’s bank accounts at J.P. Morgan Chase to co...
R. Kelly起诉联邦监狱局涉嫌向YouTube八卦主持人Tasha K泄露私人信息——是的,就是去年Cardi B起诉诽谤的记者Tasha K。R. Kelly的律师在11月13日向芝加哥联邦法院提交的一份诉状中表示,一名未透露姓名的监狱管理局(BOP)特工非法访问了R. Kelly的监狱记录,包括与女友和律师的私人电话录音,并将它们出售给了Tasha K...
Tasha K, 本名Latasha Kebe,是一位知名的网络博主和播客主持人,以她的八卦报道和争议性内容而闻名。她之前曾与多位名人发生过冲突,包括Cardi B,Kevin Hart,Megan Thee Stallion,Nicki Minaj和T.I.等。#音乐资讯# û收藏 转发 评论 ñ1 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,...
Tasha K has been here before. Back in October, a judge ordered thatshe pay Cardi B a $4 million settlementin their defamation lawsuit, even though Tasha claimed she was bankrupt. Related News music| BYtara mahadevan Soulja Boy Tells Drake He's 'Disappointed' in Him, Says None of His...
时间回到2019年,Cardi B女儿刚满一岁。 人在江湖走,黑子时时有,网上的谣言、谩骂Cardi B早已见怪不怪。 但这一次不同。 这位叫Tasha K的博主,在YouTube上端着酒杯眉飞色舞,炮轰Cardi B 三宗罪—— 做鸡、吸毒、有性病。 最狠毒的是,她说:Cardi B生下的女儿,会是个智障。
最近,美国嘻哈女歌手 Cardi B 终于收拾黑粉了! Cardi B 以造谣诋毁损害名誉的罪名,状告 Youtube 八卦博主 Tasha Kebe 上法院,并在庭审上获得了胜利。 此前Youtube 八卦博主 Tasha Kebe 在自己的频道上捏造 Cardi B "有曾经卖淫卖毒品的黑历史"和"患有性病",而此事为凭空捏造,并无真凭实据。
COURTS AND CRIME By Nancy Dillon Cardi B Defamer Tasha K Still Defiant Despite $4 Million Lawsuit Loss: 'This Is Just the Beginning' Celebrity blogger used her YouTube channel to vow an appeal after losing Cardi B defamation case Music ...