[资料简介]TASCAM DP-03 DP-03SD多轨录音机维修手册,本音响维修手册为电子版共32页 -电路图 大小:4.91 MB 格式:PDF 语言:英文 English Service Manual Download 页数:58页 注意!本站所有维修手册都带有维修电路图!
DP-03SD- A-Okay! William M. I use a computer DAW to record my guitar tracks but wanted something to record them without having to record direct to my computer. The DP-03sd is perfect for this. It has an onboard SD card which is where all my work is saved . Once I record a gu...
DP-03製品トップ 仕様 サポート DP-03 8トラック SD/SDHC MTR、CD-R/RWドライブ搭載 この製品は生産完了になりました。 後継機 DP-03SD をご確認ください。パソコンなしでも本格音楽制作 内蔵マイクでかんたん録音、マスタリング~CDRライティングまで 1台で完結...
record it to the dedicated stereo master track. Your mix can be processed with mastering effects like EQ and limiting for a tight, modern sound. When you’re satisfied, transfer your mix to a computer over USB 2.0. Tascam’s DP-03SD is the simplest, best-sounding way to share your musi...
以后再也不用两眼一抹黑的操作了 1253 小野弹琴吧 heninz TASCAM DR-60D 线性PCM 录音机中文说明书 4192 tascam吧 逗笔小王子 出一台99新 TASCAM达斯冠三十二轨数字调音台 DP-DP -32SD有说明书,可脱离电脑单独使用。无任何暗病 多轨道录音机 淘宝全新价4500左右 购入买回来后因为不会用,所以没用过 挂咸鱼链接...
including a tuner and a metronome comes with 2gb sd card, 4 x aa batteries, usb cable, warranty card, and owner's manual resources from the manufacturer dp-008ex user manual digital workstation buying guide warranty info sweetwater's free 2-year total confidence coverage warranty extra peace ...
I have not checked the manual text sections dealing with this, but took a quick look at the recording block diagram for the original and MK2 versions and they are different. The differences to correspond with DIN recording and monitoring, but I don't have time presently to dig too deeply....