OWNER'SMANUAL 2TASCAMDP-32SD IMPORTANTSAFETYPRECAUTIONS ThisequipmentcomplieswithPart15o FCCRules. Operationissubjecttothe ollowingtwoconditions: 1)Thisdevicemaynotcauseinter erenceand 2)Thisdevicemustacceptanyinter erence,including inter erencethatmaycauseundesiredoperationo the device. INFORMATIONTOTHEUSER ...
TASCAM DP-24 DP-32 DP-32SD多轨音轨数码录音机维修手册,本音响维修手册为电子版共118页 大小:17.27 MB 格式:PDF 语言:英文 English Service Manual 下载点数 下载地址 20点 现在下载 Download 所有页面上的电路图真实有效,敬请放心下载。 TASCAM DP-24 DP-32 DP-32SD多轨音轨数码录音机维修手册DENON天龙AVR-...
o.从.Mixcast读取(已连接Mixcast.4.时) 2 打开项目 用于选择Mixcast中录制在SD卡上的播客文件并将其加载到 用于选择一个现有的项目。(“*.tpe”.文件) 本软件。 o.读取Mixcast文件(未连接Mixcast.4时) 注释 用于选择保存在设备上的播客文件并将其加载到本软件。 要在iOS.和.iPadOS.设备上创建项目,请参见...
youhavefinishedreadingthismanual,PleasekeepitinasafeplaceforTutorialoverview futurereference.LoadingSDcards.… Thisdocument(theOwnersManual)explainsthemainfunctionsoftheSettingthelanguage,dateandtim unit.PleaseseetheReferenceManualforinformationaboutalltheunitsTouchscreenoverview. functions.Makingmicsettings Youcanalsodo...
设置限幅器(DYNAMICS)…….,32 设置均衡器(EQ)32 设置噪声门(NOISEGATE)33 插入和取出microSD卡.………反相输入(PHASEINVERT)..………33 插入microSD卡.…6-2.查看和设置幻象电源状态.pp33 取出microSD卡.es6-3.设置幻象电源电压,ee34 4-2.准备电源.et166-4.使用中央-侧面解码功能.935 连接设置.435 调...
32 Left side panel 32 Right side panel 33 Bottom panel 33 Home Screen 34 Menu structure 36 Screen operations 37 4– Preparations 39 Preparing the power and SD card 39 Inserting an SD card 39 Removing an SD card 39 SD card write-protection switches ...
32 Inserting and removing microSD cards 33 Inserting a card 33 Ejecting a card 33 Preparing a microSD card for use 34 Setting the date and time 34 Using the built-in speaker to monitor playback 36 Connecting monitoring equipment 37
I'm trying to connect my device to my computer so I can export my recorded audio files. However my device doesn't show up on the desktop as an option on my computer when I go into SD card reader mode on my device.Change Region PRODUCT Sonicview Digital Recording & Mixing Console ...
本吧热帖: 1-求购,二手,集中贴,不定期更新 2-TASCAM吧,基本吧规。 3-想问下大家 4-偶然来到这里自己也非常喜欢这牌子,所以开个贴回答技术咨询 5-TASCAM 202mkIII 天琴卡座Tascam 202mk3 service manual维修手册 6-tascamx8怎么连接电脑当麦克风使用 7-TASCAM DR-40 8-
本吧热帖: 1-求购,二手,集中贴,不定期更新 2-TASCAM吧,基本吧规。 3-想问下大家 4-偶然来到这里自己也非常喜欢这牌子,所以开个贴回答技术咨询 5-TASCAM 202mkIII 天琴卡座Tascam 202mk3 service manual维修手册 6-tascamx8怎么连接电脑当麦克风使用 7-TASCAM DR-40 8-