"Determinantes de la tasa de cam- bio en Colombia: un enfoque de microestructura de mercados", Ensayos Sobre Politica Economica, Vol. 32, No. 74, pp. 52-67. Murcia, A., & Rojas, D. (Junio de 2014). Determinantes de la tasa de cambio en Colombia: un enfoque de microestructura...
This work seeks to provide some additional elements in understanding the dynamics of the exchange rate in Colombia. First, it uses information from a survey directed to the exchange rate market players. It highlights the difference exhibited by market participants about the determinants of the exchang...
Otro es el Bovespa, compuesto por las 50 empresas más importantes de la bolsa de Sao Paulo; el Merval de Argentina; el IPSA de Chile; el MSCI COLCAP de Colombia; el IBC de Caracas, conformado por 6 compañías de Venezuela. De igual manera, exist...
(2005). Evaluacion de pronosticos para la tasa de cambio en Colombia. Estu- dios Gerenciales, 96, 13-26. Disponi- ble en: http://bibliotecadigital.icesi. edu.co/biblioteca_digital/bitstream/ item/361/1/Evaluacion_de_pronos- ticos_para_tasa_de_cambio.pdf...
Tasa de cambio realEmpleo industrialColombiaReal exchange rateIndustrial employmentColombiaThis paper aims to determine the effect of real exchange rate on industrial employment in Colombia and 60 of their industrial sectors for the period 2000- 2010. To do this, a review of the relevant literature ...
The article "Predictions about the exchange rate in Colombia" analyzes the exchange rate in Colombia and the difficulties of predicting its long-term behavior. It is mentioned that the exchange rate in Colombia approaches a random walk and is influenced by factors such as the price ...
PROYECCIN DE LA TASA DE CAMBIO DE COLOMBIA BAJO CONDICIONES DE PPA: EVIDENCIA EMPRICA USANDO VARForeign exchangetime-series modelfinancial forecastingThis document examines exchange rate forecasts during the 1995-2005 period, using a Purchasing Power of Parity Exchange Rate Model (PPPER). Our first...
Efectos Diferenciales De La Tasa De Cambio Real Sobre El Comercio Internacional En Colombia (Differential Effects of the Real Exchange Rate on International Trade in Colombia)real exchange rateexportaimportsinternational commercetasa de cambio real