Cb tf SDA and SCL Fall Time 300 20 + 0.1 × Cb tSU;STO tBUF Set-up time for STOP condition Bus free time between a STOP and START condition 4 0.6 4.7 1.3 Cb Capacitive load for each bus line 400 (1) All timing specifications are specified by design but not tested at final test....
xx_test 名 被调用方服1-20位字母、特殊字符。 servicestringM1-201ifs-OneFlightManager 务名称团此字段内容由被调用方提供。 国 全 5 T/CCTAS164—2024 表1请求接口报文消息头字段(续) 字段名含义类型M/O长度基数说明示例 15位数字、特殊字符。 timestam 时间戳stringM151格式是YYYYMMDD:hhmmss,默认是北京时...
3.3运行试验Trialruntest 按试验或实际运行图组织列车运行,对整体系统在正常和非正常运行条件下的行车组 织、客运服务以及应急救援等进行演练,验证是否具备开通运营条件。 [来源:TB10761—2013,2.0.4] 3.4动态验收Dynamicacceptance 在静态验收合格后,通过联调联试和动态检测,对列车运行状态下工程质量全面检查 和确认,并...
HTQFP-64 2006年 ¥141.156 TI数据手册 器件3D模型 规格参数 代替型号 (8) 反馈错误 by FindIC.com TAS5414ATPHDQ1 全球供应商 全球供应商 (4家) 刷新货币单位:原货币USD-$ 美元RMB-¥ 人民币EUR-€ 欧元GBP-£ 英镑CAD-C$ 加币CHF-₣ 法郎HKD-$ 港币INR-RS 卢比JPY-¥ 日元KRW-₩ 韩元RU...
Cb tf SDA and SCL Fall Time 300 20 + 0.1 × Cb tSU;STO tBUF Set-up time for STOP condition Bus free time between a STOP and START condition 4 0.6 4.7 1.3 Cb Capacitive load for each bus line 400 (1) All timing specifications are specified by design but not tested at final test....
Customers should validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality. 8.1 Application Information This section describes a filter-free,TDM application. 8.2 Typical Application PVDD 4.5 V to 26.4 V 1 µF 1 µF 1 µF 100 kΩ Control and Status OUT_P PVDD PVDD ...
Test Conditions Pin Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Type* 1 Supply 1.1 1.2 2 Supply-voltage range Supply current Output 1 1 VS IS 4.5 0.8 5 5.5 1.4 V C B IIN = 0 1.1 mA Tamb = 25°C; Internal pull-up resistor(1) 2.1 1,3 RPU 30/40 ...
Test Conditions min typ max Units Leakage Current IDRM Tj=125°C, VDRM=Rated 150 ma Repetitive Peak Reverse Leakage Current IRRM VTM Tj=125°C, VRRM=Rated Tj=25°C, ITM=3000A 150 ma V Peak On-State Voltage 1.35 V TM Model, Low Level V0 r Tj=125...
See the Thermal Methodology for the 32-Pin DAD Package 50 W, 6-Ω Test and the Thermal Methodology for the 32-Pin DAP Package 50 W, 6-Ω sections for a discussion of possible thermal solutions. Careful attention must be given to the value of the high-voltage power supply level for ...