Using the thermometric enthalpy titration methodology, the hexa-ligand species CuT6 [where T represents the tartrate ion and charges are omitted] has been shown to exist even in dilute tartrate solutions. Kinetic considerations suggest a radical difference between CuT3 CuT2 and the more highly ...
Agar, an algal polysaccharide, tends to neutralize the charge on protective colloids. This eliminates their protective property, allowing colloid-tartrate complexes to dissociate and the colloids to precipitate. Alternately, calcium content may be directly reduced through ion exchange. Because of the ...
charge polarization dielectric constant dielectric loss ion core type polarization interfacial polarization dielectric dispersion domain wall relaxation atomic polarization orientational polarization dielectric function 75 to 180 degC/ A7730 Dielectric polarization and depolarization effects A7750 Dielectric breakdown ...
The treatment by ion-exchange resins consists of equilibrating the wine with a cation-exchange resin that replaces the wine potassium ions by hydrogen or sodium ions [513]. The first application of ED to the tartrate stabilization of wines was carried out by Wucherpfennig [514] and subsequently...
Then, 1:1 and 2:2 ion-pair complexes are built and minimized by taking into account their atomic charge distributions. The minimized energies quantify the steric and electrostatic effects of complexes. The results show that the 2:2 association takes the best account for experimental data and ...
supports(Vaccari,1998),ionexchangers(Ulibarriand Hermosin,2001)andadditives(LerouxandBesse,2004). Thegeneralformulaofthesecompoundsis[M 2+ 1−x M 3+ x (OH) 2 ]A n− x/n ·yH 2 O,whereM 2+ andM 3+ represent divalentandtrivalentcations,respectivelyandA ...
Draw Lewis structures and show all formal charges for these ions : a) OH^- b) HCO_3^- c) CH_3^- d) CH_3CO_2^- Draw a structure for a ketone that exhibits a molecular ion at M+ = 86 and that produces fragments at m/z = 71 and m/z = 43. Draw the Lewis structure for...
charge variants of industrial Fc-fusion proteins. To characterize this behavior, the multi-protein Mollerup activity model was integrated into the steric mass action (SMA) model, resulting in a new model named the generalized ion-exchange (nGIEX) isotherm for multi-protein systems. An R2exceeding...
Interaction of some alkali metal citrates with hydroxyapatite: Ion-exchange adsorption and role of charge balance. Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Asp. 1998, 141, 173–179. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Ebrahimpour, A.; Perez, L.; Nancollas, G.H. Induced Crystal Growth of Calcium ...
The effect of ethanol on the outer-sphere association of - or -[Coen]ion (en=ethylenediamine) with -tartrate ion was investigated in aqueous solutions containing 0,1,3, and 5 wt% of ethanol at 25 °C by measuring the change in optical density of the charge-transfer spectra at 265 nm....