General meaning and interpretation (Reversed) In a general context, the Two of Swords reversed represents indecision, delays or postponement. It indicates that fear, worry, anxiety or stress is overwhelming you and you may be experiencing emotional or mental turmoil as a result leading to an inabi...
Today’s energy brings warmth and connection. Whether you’re with a partner or hoping to meet someone, there’s a strong sense of togetherness in the air. Embrace the balance and growth in your relationships. Scorpio(October 23 - November 21) Tarot card: Two of S...
Gee, the Knight of Swords gets a bad rap. It’s a design issue with this deck. There are good sides to this card. Usually, I’d use the reversed image for a negative meaning. But not today. Not when the expression on the knight’s face is so apt. ...
Key meanings (Reversed): Lack of knowledge, intellectual incapacity, failure, animosity, disputes, insults, destruction, misunderstandings, memory loss, difficulty to concentrate, poor communication, creative blocks, frustration, and unfairness. Ace of Swords Tarot Card Description The Ace of Swords depic...
Queen of Pentacles King of Pentacles Interested in a free tarot reading? iFate's free tarot card readings are the best on the web! The Suit of Swords Ace of Swords Two of Swords Three of Swords Four of Swords Five of Swords Six of Swords Seven of Swords Eight of Swords Nine of Swords...
Ace of Swords Reversed Meaning The Ace of Swords reversed suggests that you are not allowing yourself to see the one thing that matters most. You may be using reason to create rather than cut through obstacles. Stop clinging to illusions. Look again at your biases, the preconceptions you bri...
Key meanings (Reversed): Having your head in the clouds, being defensive, lacking ideas or planning, playing mind games, being paranoid, lacking mental agility, being dim-witted, having nothing to say, and being frigid are all signs of bad or disappointing news Page of Swords tarot card desc...
Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 20): Two of Swords The Two of Swords depicts a blindfolded female. She holds up two swords pointing in different directions. She is crossing her chest with her arms as if protecting her heart. The Two of Swords upright supports The Fool in reverse this month, ...
Tarot drew the Three of Swords and Queen of Swords Reversed. These indicated that her father had been at loggerheads with his wife for a long time, which the client confirmed. Here then, I concluded, I was reading the dead, not as a medium, but through the telepathy of the living perso...
Henry v111 has been used as the model for this card in this deck, and I’d say he was both a King and Queen of Swords reversed in terms of his behaviour, although astrologically he was a sun Cancer subject, born 28 June and his rising sign was Virgo; exceedingly sensitive emotionally...