Welcome to the best Tarot App ever. Simply download the App today and you will have access to over 21 tarot spreads that will help guide you with the information required to get you through your day, month, or simply a small hardship in your life. ...
reflections, or problem-solving, while spreads likeSituation / Obstacle / AdviceorStop / Start / Continuecan offer practical advice and insightful suggestions for what to do next. But if you’d like something a bit more detailed or extensive, this spread can help. ...
I guess this is the well-known tarot spread particularly for individuals seeking for a quick answer and advice to get out of a worrying situation. I use this very often as well when I need a simple yes or no predictions to get the best insight and find the perfect answer to my ...
Beginner Tarot Spreads Start with 3-card spreads Our best advice for Tarot beginners is to start small. Drawing even one card from the deck, maybe as a thoughtful ritual to kick off your day, is a great idea! If you’re ready to sit down and do a complete reading, we suggest pulling...
There are many different layouts for spreads with more than two cards. Some are very basic and linear, that provide details about the past, present and future. Other spreads can give insight into mind, body and spirit. Or, the present, the challenges and solutions, which is the spread that...
Celtic Cross Spread: One of the most well-known and comprehensive spreads, the Celtic Cross involves ten cards and provides a detailed view of a situation, including past influences, current circumstances, future outcomes, and advice. Relationship Spread: Designed to explore the dynamics and potentia...
What lesson or advice does the three of swords yes or no offer? Tarot DecksTarot Cards Meanings ATovstopyat replied Nov 7, 202444 replies New Journey Tarot Spreads queenofwands replied Nov 1, 202444 replies W Death card in reading Tarot Readings WildLotus99 replied Oct 17, 202422 replies ...
(Of course, the bottom line is that no tarot spreads are foolproof. I have had to read tarot for people who refuse to confirm or deny anything. After all, being a psychic, I should see all!)Author - Richi Who I first met 'Richi Who' (AKA Richard Philippe) in 1986 when I had ...
special kind of reading. Different types of spreads provide different types of readings. The layout of tarot cards is changed based on the demands of the advice seekers. There are separate readings for love, relationships, career etc. Money readings require a completely different alignment of ...
Scorpio, your monthly advice is this: when indecision knocks, fall back on age-old solutions. You’re attempting to shake off inner confusions and illusions with the7 of Cupsreversed, although it’s easier said than done. Indecision and second-guessing have a way of popping up repeatedly, ev...