Get a free tarot or oracle reading at Choose from over a dozen readings including the Celtic Cross, True Love Tarot Reading, the Past-Present-Future, Yes/No Oracle, the Burning Question and the When Will It Happen with popular card deck
Get a free tarot or oracle reading at Choose from over a dozen readings including the Celtic Cross, True Love Tarot Reading, the Past-Present-Future, Yes/No Oracle, the Burning Question and the When Will It Happen with popular card deck
The goddess of The World card invites us into cosmic citizenship -- once we come to realize our soul's potential for it. It announces the awakening of the soul's immortal being, accomplished without the necessity of dying. This card, like the Sun, is reputed to have no negative meaning ...
The Triple Goddess Tarot is inspired by the energies of the feminine divine, the cycles of the moon, and the life cycle journey of the Maiden, Mother and Crone. The 79 cards (there are two Fool variations) are borderless and have a spare, mystical quality. arrow_forwardTriple Goddess Tarot...
The Moirae are commonly thought to be the daughters of Zeus, the mighty ruler of the Olympian Gods, and Themis, the Titan goddess of Justice. However, the myths of the Moirae are even older than those of Kronos. According to Hesiod, Aeschylus, and Orpheus, The Moirae are the daughters of...
Hermes was the son of the goddess Maia, one of the seven sisters of The Pleiades who gave her name to the month of May. Mercury has a lesser known role as a psychopomp; one who can go between the realms of the living and the dead, a go-between and safe escort to the dead. It...
In relation to this, some commentators have declared the figure on the card to be Hebe, demi-goddess of youth, stretching the implied notion of eternal youth into the grander concept of physical immortality. It is more likely that, when assigning immortality to the Star, Levi had another ...
Embrace the Universe’s capacity to provide you with what you need when you need it most. That’s what miracles are and the Star is the goddess of miracles. If things have been tough lately, now’s a time when you can finally lean back and take a bit of a break. Surround yourself ...
Hecate, goddess of the New Moon Photo byMark TegethoffonUnsplash All hail to Hecate, the Greeks and Romans would say in honour of the impending New Moon. Hecate was the goddess of the waning moon, where Persephone was the manifestation of the Waxing Moon, and Artemis was the face of the...
1. Lion Goddess PASHT (Egyptian)(also spelt Pasht) Meaning ‘she who scratches’ is a lioness goddess of war. 2. “Shakti” (Tibetan) Seen as a whole, she represents the sacrificial nature of manifest existence, The Goddess gives birth and she sustains her creatures, but she also brings...