Justice in the standard Tarot de Marseille Type II does not have wings. The allegorical figure sits on a high-backed chair, which gave rise to the theory that some block carvers misread the chair backs as wings. Since wings appeared in the Justice card long before the elaborate chair back,...
In the Golden Dawn system, and the Waite Smith deck, the Strength card is the eighth major arcana, rather than the eleventh as in the Tarot de Marseille. The Justice and Strength cards were switched from their Tarot de Marseille positions for the sake of astrological symbolism. When the Gold...
This was my workhorse; my go to deck in face to face readings 2005-2013. At present I use the Legacy of the Divine Tarot, The Gilded Tarot Royale, The Thoth, the Marseille or playing cards. Author’s own photograph. Cards from The Gilded Tarot, artwork by Ciro Marchett Tarot for ...
The Tarot of Marseilles (or Tarot of Marseille), also widely known by the French designation Tarot de Marseille, is one of the standard patterns for the design of tarot cards. The name Tarot de Marseille is not of particularly ancient vintage; it was coined at least as early as 1889 by ...
De Gebelin first asserted that symbolism of the Tarot de Marseille asserted represented the mysteries ofIsisandThoth. Gebelin further claimed that the name "tarot" came from the Egyptian words tar, meaning "royal", and ro, meaning "road", and that the Tarot therefore represented a "royal roa...
Meanwhile the formal and traditional structure of past practice still stands, attached to the ancestral packs presented in Marseille style, suitable for the Continental AAN correspondences. Manly P. Hall expected his deeper students to use his mandala method, meaning his staged procedure that reduces ...
To achieve true justice and the reversal of a destructive course there will be collateral damage (bad things happen). I still find the Tarot to be the much deeper of the two decks, but the Lenormand cards astound me again and again with their uncanny precision and succinctness. As mentioned...
With this new lineup, the letter associated with Leo falls on the eighth card and Libra falls on the eleventh card—Justice and Strength in the Tarot de Marseille deck. The Golden Dawn switched these cards so that Strength would line up with Leo and Justice with Libra. Ever since, nearly...
By the late 17thcentury, the deck had settled into the Tarot de Marseille pattern. The FrenchLa Papessewas standardized into a seated woman wearing a heavy cloak and the papal tiara while holding an open book in her lap with both hands. A curtain with furled edges floats behind...