Whenever the Lovers card appears, you must either integrate two entities or let go of one of them. You would do well to consider how the consequences of these choices will impact on what you want out of a future relationship. The Lovers Career Position When the Lovers card appears in this...
Tarot-Lovers.com is the complete guide to tarot cards, their meanings, readings, spreads and illustrations, along with free online tarot card readings.
Previous Card The Emperor Fantastical Tarot deck © U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Next Card The Lovers Learn More What does The Hierophant Tarot card mean?Learn the meaning of The Hierophant Tarot card in under a minute!The Hierophant Upright Meaning The Hierophant Tarot this card refers to a ...
The Death card represents the ending of a cycle and is a symbol of transitions. Also, when paired with other cards, the card normally indicates the end of an era. Below, you can find the most important Death card combinations. Death and the Lovers or the Hierophant When Death is paired ...
If you pull the major arcana card the Lovers, for example, you might think about themes of union and balance — but it can also represent having a choice. Whenever a major arcana card makes an appearance in your reading, you’re dealing with a critical message. The minor arcana set, ...
You can also take a free card reading on our sister site: visit www.tarot-lovers.com.Use our free tarot card reading tool below by selecting your preferred spread then selecting the cards, focussing on the question you want to answer. Remember, as with all tarot card readings, they are ...
Card Meanings:the wish card, dreams come true,food and drink, the hospitality industry.Reversed:overindulgence, complacency, self-satisfaction The sub-influence for this decan is Cancer, ruled by The Moon. Cancer is the natural ruler of the fourth house of home, family and security. These Pisce...
The Empress is all about beauty & abundance. Learn more about the Empress tarot card & its reversed & love meanings at Astrology.com!
The Lovers The Chariot Strength The Hermit Wheel of Fortune Justice The Hanged Man Death Temperance The Devil The Tower The Star The Moon The Sun Judgement The World Some notes on the tarot meanings above: Many tarot readers use slightly different names for the tarot suits.For example, among ...
Which is why I decided to shake things up and out with my own modern slant on the tarot. There’s nothing typical about how I interpret the cards. In thisseriesyou get tarot card meanings plus reversals, advice, and affirmations for each card. On top of it, I provide suggested theme ...