《Solaris》—— Andrei Tarkovsky 本文写于2025年1月2日,作者 SHLIMAZEL “注:文中所提股票或基金均不构成具体投资建议” 年度投资总结/ “你能砍掉所有的鲜花,但你不能阻止春天的到来” 一、全球资本市场复盘 随着2024年正式落下帷幕,今年的投资生活也算是画下了一个句号。我想对于各位投资者来说,这一年注定...
「Solaris」Dir.Andrei Tarkovsky #安德烈·塔可夫斯基# 谈 #飞向太空# :凯尔文在索拉里斯星球上的任务或许只有一个目的,也就是要揭示出,爱他人对所有生灵来说都不可缺少。一个人若是没了爱,也就不再是人。整...
He directed the first five of his seven films – Ivan’s Childhood, Andrei Rublev, Solaris, Mirror and Stalker – in the Soviet Union, but in 1982 defected to Italy, where he made Nostalgia. His final film, The Sacrifice, was produced in Sweden in... (展开全部) 目录 ··· Essay b...
【拉片:塔可夫斯基《飞向太空》 / ANDREI TARKOVSKY Shot By Shot - Solaris】 2.5万播放 【中字】【塔可夫斯基】压路机和小提琴(1961) 1.1万播放 Movietalk名作解读:《飞向太空》塔可夫斯基的科幻经典,宇宙尽头,寻找内心深处 19.1万播放 【纪录片】塔可夫斯基相关纪录片&访谈&短片&遗作短片最全大合集(中字/英字)(...
【拉片:塔可夫斯基《飞向太空》 / ANDREI TARKOVSKY Shot By Shot - Solaris】 2.5万播放 【中字】【塔可夫斯基】压路机和小提琴(1961) 1.1万播放 Movietalk名作解读:《飞向太空》塔可夫斯基的科幻经典,宇宙尽头,寻找内心深处 19.1万播放 【纪录片】塔可夫斯基相关纪录片&访谈&短片&遗作短片最全大合集(中字/英字)(...
Shpinitskaya, Julia (2006) `Solaris by A. Tarkovsky: Music-Visual Troping, Paradigmatism, Cognitive Stereoscopy' TRANS-Revista Transcultural de Musica, 10: http://www.sibetrans.com/trans/a157/solaris-by-atarkovsky- music-visual-troping-paradigmatism-cognitive-stereoscopy, accessed 28 January...
Compared to his comrades, Kris proves relatively lucky—at least at first glance. His Solaris “guest” comes in the form of his dead wife, Hari (the barefoot beauty Natalya Bondarchuk), who committed suicide years prior. Her superhuman strength and self-regenerating power make her (and all...
As Žižek comments, Communication with the Solaris-Thing […] fails not because Solaris is too alien, the harbinger of an intellect infinitely surpassing our limited abilities, playing some perverse games with us whose rationale remains forever outside our grasp, but because it brings us too ...
Solaris (1972), directed by Andrei Tarkovsky, starring Natalya Bondarchuk, Donatas Banionis, Jüri Järvet, Vladislav Dvorzhetsky
Define Tarkovsky. Tarkovsky synonyms, Tarkovsky pronunciation, Tarkovsky translation, English dictionary definition of Tarkovsky. n Andrei . 1932–86, Soviet film director, whose films include Andrei Rublev , Solaris , Nostalgia , and The Sacrifice Colli