19.1 New in-game event "Khorovod" 19.1.1 In-game task line 19.1.2 Khorovod mode 19.1.3 Frostbite status effect 19.1.4 Winter weather season 19.2 New content 19.2.1 Customs rework 19.2.2 Prestige 19.2.3 New weapons, equipment, and loot 19.2.4 Continuous healing 19.2.5 Hidden exfils ...
forked from盒子/JustEmuTarkovWiki 加入Gitee 与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :) 免费加入 已有帐号?立即登录 master 克隆/下载 git config --global user.name userName git config --global user.email userEmail ...
请大家在游戏里寻找答案 标准答案请到 Wiki 首页查看 (版本存档:https://escapefromtarkov-zh.gamepedia.com/Escape_from_Tarkov_Wik) 53814 逃离塔科夫吧 alexufo 官方论坛发了一个帖子,呼吁加大力度封禁买进的死?狗,链接如下,有条件的去顶顶贴。 https://forum.escapefromtarkov.com/topic/124298-a-new-way-...
On 4/25/2019 at 1:51 PM, PimpMyWiki said: The AI aggro seems a bit off after the 11.7 patch. Yesterday I was playing on Factory as a scav, follow 2 scavs that ended up shooting at a player scav (I assume he had aggro'd through initating some scav on scav action) I helped ...
https://forum.escapefromtarkov.com/topic/124298-a-new-way-to-buy-rubles-with-real-money/ 分享156 逃离塔科夫吧 SY-WL 【教程】子弹击穿概率等级表如何查看&理解对应等级代表的含义相关内容Wiki源地址(弹道学):https://escapefromtarkov.gamepedia.com/Ballistics 这篇教程主要从以下几个部分进行简单介绍 【是...