PressingRonce reloads, but pressing it twice does quick reload by tossing your current magazine. For weapons with variable scopes, you can usePage UporPage Downto adjust your sights. For weapons with different attachments, useLeft Ctrland Tto switch between them. PressingAltwhile aiming lets you...
To mount the weapon on a bipod, press the “Toggle bipod” key (“Ctrl + V” combination by default), then point at a suitable horizontal surface and press the “Mount weapon” key; The recoil, stamina consumption, and weapon sway is greatly reduced when firing a bipod-mounted weapon; ...
and by opening the weapon selection menu you can see at a glance what weapons you currently have and how many bullets you have remaining. Of course, weapon icons are properly displayed there, making it intuitive to switch between weapons. No need to remember which slot your weapon is in....
{ get; set; } public static ConfigEntry<bool> ToggleActiveAim { get; set; } public static ConfigEntry<bool> ActiveAimReload { get; set; } public static ConfigEntry<bool> EnableAltPistol { get; set; } public static ConfigEntry<bool> EnableIdleStamDrain { get; set; } public static ...