The Interchange was one of the first EfT maps to have a boss-class unit. As with the majority of such games, a boss is a high-risk, high-reward target. Taking him down is a tall task, but succeeding rewards players with some decent gear. The guy has some impressive equipment like a...
The quest rewards(other than money and experience) are usually associated with the NPC that gives out the task. Prapor is a weapon dealer, so his quests can often present you with guns, ammunition, or grenades. The Therapist is all about the medical supplies, and that's what you can get...
You can't genuinely say "don't do tasks if you don't want to" and then make the hideout task dependent by forcing trader levels. If you're going to try and justify the game's playstyle, don't reference mandatory things in order to show progression in what is the only long term as...