800 The MCX SPEAR is a multi-caliber assault rifle designed and manufactured by SIG Sauer based on the MCX assault rifle. Primarily chambered in the new 6.8x51mm (.277 FURY) ammunition. Designed specifically for the US Military to replace the M4 carbine. Mk47 7.62x39mm Single Full‑Aut...
6.8x51mm Assault rifles: MCX-SPEAR .300 Blackout Assault rifles: MCX, Velociraptor 7.62x39mm Assault carbines: OP-SKS, SKS, VPO-136Assault rifles: AK-103, AK-104, AKM, AKMN, AKMS, AKMSN, Mk47, RD-704LMGs: RPD, RPDN
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唉,倒钩,唉,spear amano_hina 20倍利润,本来以为卖856a1赚了13万刀就够恶俗的了,这25发弹匣更是重量级 80965 08:12 4 pve打在线会动不动就丢包 此路唯艰 不知道哪里出问题了,网络没问题,加速器用的uu,游戏重下了,数据也清除了,还是会动不动丢包 此路唯艰 08:11 20 这DLSS4到底实装没有...
Single Player Tarkov is a robust mod for Escape From Tarkov that offers a completely offline experience with full progression, community-driven modding, and zero stress gameplay.
FirstSpear “Strandhogg” Plate Carrier Rig (Ranger Green) In order to obtain the Eagle Industries Plate Carrier, you will need one Sewing Kit and one piece of Ribstop Fabric. You will then need to trade with ‘RagMan LL2’ who can be found in ‘Interchange’. For the FirstSpear, you ...
妈的这人机是人啊,加了消音器都TM有五十人机,现在视觉后座削了后无论远距离点射还是近距离扫射手感无敌,比spear舒服太多了。要是0.14版本的话那后坐力玩起来不上天了?难怪一刀砍废sa58和黑DT 有黑DT谁jb玩spear啊 actc1986 07:46 48 最相关的一集 柯瓦特罗... 这下可以狂暴鸿儒njt了😋😋😋 共...
妈的这人机是人啊,加了消音器都TM有五十人机,现在视觉后座削了后无论远距离点射还是近距离扫射手感无敌,比spear舒服太多了。要是0.14版本的话那后坐力玩起来不上天了?难怪一刀砍废sa58和黑DT 有黑DT谁jb玩spear啊 H2S2O3 20:42 0 现在海关加油站杀scav的任务怎么做 DG8435 蹲了三把老加油站都没看...
In the second phase, The Nameless King dismounts and absorbs his drake's powers before launching an even more difficult onslaught against you. He impales you with his electrified spear, swoops down on you from above, and smites you with bolts of lightning. Additionally, the mist-covered groun...
Once you’re advanced enough, you’ll have your base looking snazzy in full metal walls, upgraded your wooden spear to a laser rifle, and have enough dinosaurs to start a small zoo. Just take care so the rival base over the river doesn’t get too tempted to raid you, and if they ...