Alexander Fyodorovich Kiselyov, known by his alias "Skier", is a trader in Escape from Tarkov. A typical competent businessman, well versed in finance and commerce. He has a criminal past (spent some time behind bars). In the past, he used to trade at th
[Tarkov ep.37][日常][任务]五一连播之十二 skier宿舍拿U盘、信件任务[逃离塔科夫] 587 1 1:05:33 App 【塔科夫最菜玩家】第二十期-金色失物任务也不容易,小菜鸡这回为了做任务真的在战局中被饿死了 49.7万 168 21:57 App 逃离塔科夫 Skier 配件商任务全解析(更新完结) 46.1万 178 22:42 App 逃离塔科...
Zenit RK-5– Skier LL3 or ₽10,000 on Flea (I haven’t tried:KAC vertical pistol grip/Tango Down stubby) This leaves the build short by +2 ergo, so I replaced the stock charge handle: Raptor Charging Handle for AR-15– Skier LL3 or ₽20,000 on Flea –or – Geissele ACH cha...
塔科夫的幸存之路[2021-01-22 之二] [日常] 流水日记 [经验] 些许分享 [合集] 顾名思义 配件商(Skier) 金色失物(Golden swag) 宿舍303拿火机(7:30) 拖车停车场工棚放置(11:30) 展开更多 逃离塔科夫 必剪创作 游戏 电子竞技 电子竞技 游戏知识分享官 ...
Skier Rep +0.02 2,500 Dollars 1× Lobaev Arms DVL-10 7.62x51 bolt-action sniper rifle (variant Urbana) Unlocks craft for 5.45x39mm PP gs at Workbench level 2 Yes The Punisher - Part 4 Eliminate 10 Scavs while using a 12ga shotgun on Lighthouse Eliminate 10 PMC operatives while wear...
At Skier LL2, he will sell an AK-74 Hexagon 5.45×39 sound suppressor (to clarify, this Peacekeeper quest will unlock the purchase of this mod item from Skier) The Cult – Part 1 (Exploration) Objectives: Search for the missing informant on Shoreline ...
Skier- weapons, ammo, night vision goggles, suppressors and euros. Peacekeeper- western firearms, ammo, mods and dollars. Mechanic- weapon parts/mods, fully tweaked out weapon build barters. Ragman- rigs, headsets, backpacks, clothing and armor. ...
"The Tarkov shooter" - Part 6是逃离塔科夫中的任务。 对话 “As Dima likes to say, the best tool against a sniper is another sniper. It is not a rare case in combat, but you have to keep in mind that the enemy is well trained and well prepared shooter. He is smart, will take up...
Military base checkpoint key –This key unlocks the tower door at the military checkpoint. This key needs to be found for the “Trust regain” quest given by Therapist. The area it unlocks has a grenade box, a weapon rack, and a pair of ammo boxes. It can be traded to Skier at level...
Quests list Tarkov Pilot ⬤ Patch 0.16 deployed. Your progress was reset for PvP PMCs. PvP flea will be available in a 13 days. Tarkov Market Flea market price monitoring and tools En