Pump Station Door Key –This key is called the “Door Key” in-game but is more commonly called the Pump Station Key by players. This key opens the pump station in the northern section of Factory near the boilers. This room is an optional location for the “Sanitary Standards – Part 1...
Dorm room 303 Key1Required可以打开海关宿舍楼303号房间,在这个房间内你可以找到金色打火机 镀金Zibbo打火机在海关3层宿舍楼内303号房间的桌子上。该房间需要宿舍楼303号房间钥匙来开启。 捡到镀金Zibbo打火机之后,该物品就会存放在你的任务物品栏中(可以打开任务界面查看)。如果你死亡时,打火机在你的任务物品栏中,...
Dorm room 303 key 1 Handover item No Can only be found on Scavs ZB-014 key 1 Handover item No Can be found on the desk of Dorm room 220 Military checkpoint key 1 Handover item No Can be found sitting next to the Dead Scav on the couch in the boiler building on the east side...
Machinery key Car key Yotota car key Marked key Sixpack room 103 (in the english interface is displayed as 108. In to check you need change lang. to rus) room 104 room 105 room 110 room 114 room 118 room 203 room 204 room 206 room 214 room 218 room 220 room 303 room 306 room 308...
Adjusted the loot in the room opened with the Rusted bloody key on Streets of Tarkov Improved the PMC spawns on Reserve to avoid spawning in exposed areas Added new barters for the following items SilencerCo Hybrid 46 Direct Thread Mount adapter SVDS Lynx Arms AK-series pistol grip adapter Fe...
Aspect company office key (Aspect) is a Key in Escape from Tarkov. A key from the entrance to the office of Aspect LLC on 56 Primorsky Ave. This key is not necessary to get into the building since it has a hole in the wall on the backside. On Kaban Door
(Optional) Gain access to the locked room on the third floor in the Factory office hallway (Optional) Obtain the Portable bunkhouse key Hand over the Secure Folder 0031 to Prapor Survive and extract from Customs +4,100 EXP Prapor Rep +0.03 35,000 Roubles 1× PP-91-01 Kedr-B 9x18PM ...
疗养院杂物间钥匙 (Storeroom) 是逃离塔科夫中的钥匙。 Key to utility rooms of the health resort. Used in the quest Wet Job - Part 5 when you don't have a East wing room 328 key 夹克 Scav 的口袋和背包 Underneath a key locker in the janitors closet by the ea
怀旧之情 是逃离塔科夫中的任务。 必须达到28级才能开始该任务。 去到 療養院西楼 303 找到 Jaeger 待过的海景房间 找到 Jaeger 的相册 上交 相册 给 Jaeger +10,000 经验值 Jaeger 声望 +0.03 34,905 卢布 Documents case Key to HEP station storage 任务地点在海岸线。耶