The RB-VO marked key (RB-VO mrk.) is a Key in Escape from Tarkov. A Federal State Reserve Agency base guard barracks key with multiple strange symbols scratched onto it where the room label would usually be. The key is stained by blood and appears to hav
RB-PKPM marked key (Flea Market Trade) Number of items: 1 1 9999 20 mins. 08:22:40 Actual price 4.19 for 1 item ItemsDiscount rate 1 0% 4.19 Total price 4.19 for 1 item Discount rate: 0% Archival offer 36 S Hellenwong user profile other user offers (382) 4.92 97.8% RB...
The RB-ORB1 key (RB-ORB1) is a Key in Escape from Tarkov. A key to one of the Federal State Reserve Agency base second barracks armories. Required for the quest Inventory Check from Ragman In Jackets In Drawers Pockets and bags of Scavs In bottom of tunn
The RB-PS81钥匙 (RB-PS81) 是逃离塔科夫中的钥匙。 Military base key 夹克 Scav 的口袋和背包 Basement of white bishop building, on a chair This key opens the south-east caged off storage area in the Underground Storage Bunkers on Reserve (Highlighted in gre
The RB-OP钥匙 (RB-OP) 是逃离塔科夫中的钥匙。 Military base key 夹克 Scav 的口袋和背包 On a shelf of a cabinet in Generic Basement level of the Airspace Control Center (King) on Reserve. (Highlighted in green) Folder with intelligence spawn on Desk One Dr
In the "marked rooms" RB-BK, RB-PKPM and RB-VO Streets of Tarkov[] In the "marked room" at the abandoned factory In the "marked room" at Chekannaya 13 Lighthouse[] In the "marked room" at the peninsula territory Trading[] x7Medical bloodset+ x7Disposable syringe+ x2Vaseline balm+ ...
Machinery key (Machinery) is a Key in Escape from Tarkov. A key to special machinery such as tank trucks, tractors, road-building machinery, etc. Cannot be listed for sale on the flea market. This is a quest item for Background Check In Jackets In Drawer
TheRB-KORL鑰匙(RB-KORL) 是逃離塔科夫中的鑰匙。 目次 1介紹 2注意 3鑰匙生成地點 3.1儲備站 4可解鎖地點 5解鎖後可見 介紹 Military base key 注意 PMC物品欄最多同時存放2個 鑰匙生成地點 夾克 Scav 的口袋和背包 儲備站 On a desk in the "King" building (west of helicopter), ground floor ...
海岸线水电站仓库钥匙总览 类型 Key 重量 0.01 kg 占用格数 1x1 用途 用途 海岸线水电站仓库的钥匙。 存放 简易钱包 否 钥匙收纳器 可 文件包 可 小型S I C C包 可 安全箱 可 掠夺 掠夺经验值 20 检视经验值 10海岸线水电站仓库钥匙 (HEPS) 是逃离塔科夫中的钥匙。
Abandoned factory marked key (Aband.) is a Key in Escape from Tarkov. A mysterious key to an unknown door at the abandoned city factory. There is a strange symbol scratched onto it. This is a required location for the quest Broadcast - Part 4 In Jackets