The RB-VO marked key (RB-VO mrk.) is a Key in Escape from Tarkov. A Federal State Reserve Agency base guard barracks key with multiple strange symbols scratched onto it where the room label would usually be. The key is stained by blood and appears to hav
Pump Station Door Key –This key is called the “Door Key” in-game but is more commonly called the Pump Station Key by players. This key opens the pump station in the northern section of Factory near the boilers. This room is an optional location for the “Sanitary Standards – Part 1...
The RB-VO钥匙 (RB-VO) 是逃离塔科夫中的钥匙。 Military base key PMC物品栏最多同时存放2个 夹克 Scav 的口袋和背包 Left room, in the back end of the barrack North-West of the Reserve. (Highlighted in green) Marked circle - Valuable Loot Spawn Virtex programm
Reserve[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Im "Marked Room" RB-BK, RB-PKPM und RB-VO Trivia[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Dies ist ein Verweis auf den Streamer Gingy. Ausklappen Behälter Kategorien Kategorien: Behälter Patch Übersetzung benötigt Sprachen Če...
Customs USEC仓库钥匙(USEC钥匙)是《逃离塔科夫》中的钥匙。 位于海关区域USEC仓库的钥匙。 夹克 Scav 的口袋和背包 第一个可解锁房间位于修理厂通往二楼的铁楼梯正下方。 第二个房间位于拐角处。 第一个房间 一个 武器箱(5x2) 一个 武器箱(4x4) 一件 夹克 第二个房间
On Glukhar In the "marked rooms" RB-BK, RB-PKPM and RB-VOStreets of TarkovOn Kaban In the "marked room" at the abandoned factory In the "marked room" at Chekannaya 13LighthouseIn the "marked room" at the peninsula territoryThe Lab...
Aspect company office key (Aspect) is a Key in Escape from Tarkov. A key from the entrance to the office of Aspect LLC on 56 Primorsky Ave. This key is not necessary to get into the building since it has a hole in the wall on the backside. On Kaban Door
The RB-OP钥匙 (RB-OP) 是逃离塔科夫中的钥匙。 Military base key 夹克 Scav 的口袋和背包 On a shelf of a cabinet in Generic Basement level of the Airspace Control Center (King) on Reserve. (Highlighted in green) Folder with intelligence spawn on Desk One Dr
Abandoned factory marked key (Aband.) is a Key in Escape from Tarkov. A mysterious key to an unknown door at the abandoned city factory. There is a strange symbol scratched onto it. This is a required location for the quest Broadcast - Part 4 In Jackets
Inside room RB-AK on the Shelves. Can spawn in room RB-VO marked room Can spawn in room RB-BK marked roomLighthouseInside broken wooden boxes. On the Table with Laptops in the Southern Villa In the Water Treatment buildings In the buildings at the Lighthouse On the chair in the back ...