Shoreline Health Resort, Room 322 可解锁地点 OLI管理员办公室,在立交桥地图上的Ultra购物中心的OLI五金商场内的洗手间对面。 Location on the map 解锁后可见 一台电脑机箱 散落的战利品 Inside the room 社区内容除另有注明外,均在CC BY-NC-SA许可协议下提供。
Key to OLI administrator office (OLI Office) 是逃离塔科夫中的钥匙。 Key to the office of the OLI administrator at the Ultra shopping mall. 夹克 Scav 的口袋和背包 On a table in the health resort East wing, room 322. The OLI administrator office is across
OLI收银机钥匙 (OLI) 是逃离塔科夫中的钥匙。 The key to the cash registers of the OLI store outlet at the Ultra shopping mall. 夹克 Scav 的口袋和背包 On a table in an office in the back of the OLI store Cash registers in the front of the OLI store on Inter
Key to OLI administrator office –This key unlocks the administrator’s office across from the restrooms in OLI, the office mainly contains some loose loot and a PC. The key can be found on Shoreline on a desk in room 322 of the East Wing. Key to OLI logistics department office–This ke...
任务7:寻找oli的货运路线.这个任务需要一把log.office钥匙.具体位置如图,用钥匙打开门后,文件就在柜子上 log.office这把钥匙是如何获取的? 海关捷径点(需要工厂钥匙开的门)旁边的蓝车后备箱 任务8:寻找2个滑雪帽,两个大紫包.刷新点均为ai身上.(AI产出,滑雪帽刷新的概率较小) 任务9:上交两件铁甲,一件...
It is located near the escalators in one of the office. Here are several screenshots to locate it. Original Imgur post here. The OLI back offices (through the small door with the light) Key to IDEA Cash Register It is located on a bus outside the IDEA Store. Key to Goshan Cash Re...
Key to OLI logistics department office Key to utility room of OLI outlet Key to utility room of power substation Key to pharmacy Key to KIBA store outlet Key to KIBA Outlet grate door Key to EMERCOM medical unit Key to OLI cash register ...
Diary (Diary) is an item in Escape from Tarkov. A diary with a leather cover. Covered with various names, addresses and phone numbers. Somebody might find it particularly useful. 2 need to be found in raid for the Library Drawer Safe Sport bag Dead Scav
18 Cash Registers (Key for the Registers is hidden inside OLI's logistics office in the store's western section). PC Blocks in OLI's offices (Keysneeded for access to some of them: Key to OLI Administrator Office [OLI Office] and Key to OLI Logistics Department Office [Log. Office])....