If you want variety, then Woods has lots of place to extract. The Outskirts is readily available and there’s also the UN Roadblock, RUAF Gate, Scav House, Boat, Factory Gate and West Border. Otherwise, you’re going to need a specific item for each extraction. For ZB-014, the Key a...
You will need the Cabinet key above to get to it.Unknown key – This key opens a cabin in the shipping yard on the eastern side of the map between warehouse 4 and the southern storage building on the way to the old gas station. It is needed for the “The Extortionist” quest given ...
you’ll see the west border, this means you are pretty close to land, you can keep going until you find the old station and the roadblock, or you can explore the land and get a duffle bag near the rubble.
"initial_offraid_position": "PlayerHideout", \\主家位置 "reset_offraid_position_on_player_die": true, \\死后是否直接回主家 "traders_access_restriction": true, \\商人访问限制,默认true是开启 "hideout_multistash_enabled": true, \\多个仓库开启,默认true开启,下同 "vanilla_exfils_requirements":...
I had a problem with the old gas station exit. I spawned as a Scav and I had the Admin Gate and the Old Gas Station exit. None of them had question marks. After arriving at the Old Gas Station I went down to the exit...but nothing happened. So I get a MIA because the time ra...
"Old Gas Station": "PilgrimTrail", "Railroad To Tarkov": "CustomsTarkovRail", "Administration Gate": "WoodsMilitaryPath", "Factory Far Corner": "ScavWindow" }, "woods": { "un-sec": "WoodsCustoms", "Factory Gate": "WoodsFactoryGate", ...