A fan-made map for Tarkov! Fight your way through every location with this interactive map! FEATURES: • 10 Maps - includes maps for Customs, Interchange, Woods, Shoreline, Factory, Labs, Streets, Reserve, Lighthouse & Ground Zero!
Factory is the smallest Escape From Tarkov map in the game, hosting just four to six PMC players during 15 minute raids. It’s usually the place to go if you’re after quick raids and close-quarters combat, although a boss armed with a sledgehammer is certainly making people think twice ...
A fan-made map for Tarkov! Fight your way through every location with this interactive map! FEATURES: • 10 Maps - includes maps for Customs, Interchange, Woods, Shoreline, Factory, Labs, Streets, Reserve, Lighthouse & Ground Zero!
Help keep the site online, make a donation. Woods in game map updated (extract and caches)#EscapefromTarkov#eftmkg#efthttps://t.co/sOZj9P1OjS — Escape From Tarkov Map Key Guide (@eftmkg)July 5, 2021
Download MapGenie: Tarkov Map latest version for iOS free. MapGenie: Tarkov Map latest update: June 29, 2024
Location -North-eastern part of the map, north-east of the IDEA store. The Power Station is marked as number "3" on our Map. Possible Loot: Inside Station's main building: multiple Toolboxes, two Fuel Conditioner spawns, multiple lootable Jackets. ...
Interchange is a great map to make money fast in Escape From Tarkov. It's a bit hard for beginners so follow our guide to victory.Interchange is a great map to make money fast in Escape From Tarkov. It's a bit hard for beginners, though. If you are interested in taking a slight ri...
YouTuber 1Bird posted a great overview of the map. You first need toturn on the powerin order to access certain sections in the mall with good loot. The power station is in the northeast corner of the map. Be very mindful about where you spawn; in some spots, other players might be...
The power plant is on the northern side of the map to the west of the lake. It is actually outside of the map but the tower of the power plant can be seen from most areas with a clear line of sight. The border that runs along the plant has three extraction points. The UN extract...
The Escape from Tarkov Interchange map is based on multiple areas and levels. The main parts are the garage, the first floor of the mall, and the second floor of the mall. It’s the shopping center. On these levels, we will find 3 main stores - IDEA, OLI, and Goshan - and some ...