You are using class 5 armor, your opponent is using ammunition that is rated well against it (like m995). Your opponent begins shooting you. What will happen is that the round will hit you and start the calculation. It will check the health of your armor compared to the penetration value...
Bug, when armor didn’t receive any damage from explosions of AGS and FN GL40 grenades Delay before pulling the trigger of SV-98 Fixes related to delayed actions on the lobby screen when gathering a group Bugs with the elite level of Vitality and Attention skills Various fixes of minor bugs...
Frankly might as well just wear paca armor at that point. What is the point of level 5 or level 6 armor if you can just get stun locked and die. The whole point of the armor is to give you a chance to react. You in one fell swoop destroyed the entire game concept of...
It has a 75%~ chance to penetrate every level 5 armor with the 1st hit, and a 90%~ chance to penetrate every level 5 armor with the 2nd hit. It can 2 tap people 75% of the time to level 5 armor, and will 3 tap 25% of the time if you are u...
Players gain items and loot from raiding, but Traders in EFT shouldn’t be discounted. They sell weapons, armor, or other supplies depending on their specialties
Supplier is a Quest in Escape from Tarkov. Must be level 5 to start this quest. Hand over 1 found in raid Module-3M armor to Skier Hand over 1 found in raid TOZ-106 shotgun to Skier +3,300 EXP Skier Rep +0.05 60,000 Roubles 63,000 Roubles with Intelligen
Icon Name Armor Class Shattered light armored mask 1 Icon Name Pestily plague mask GP-5 gas mask Deadly Skull mask Respirator Slender mask Misha Mayorov mask Jason mask Balaclava Cold Fear Infrared balaclava Ghost balaclava Momex balaclava Lower half-mask Neoprene mask Fake...
instead of aiming down the sights just hip fire the SKS, unload the full mag into the enemy and they'll be dead no matter what kind of armor they're using.Prapor level one sells the SKS for around 22k roubles and the 7.62x39 PS ammo for 91/uwhich means that you don't even need...
Stimulants will be sold by the Therapist and will improve your skills (even beyond the maximum level) for a limited time. Beware of side effects, though! Ongoing introduction of new skillsIn particular, faction-specific skills that will be available only to particular PMC.兴奋剂将加入游戏,但是...
They tend to have chest armor and may have different helmets. Their pockets can contain Labs keycards, morphine, Ifaks, cash, and other items. They’re always worth checking. Raiders are a good source of grenades, they will often have F-1’s and Zarya’s in their rig or pockets that...