This key primarily spawns in the Lab in R24, O21, and O11. In R24 in the cafeteria on the second level, the key spawns on the center window table. In O21, on the second level, the key spawns on the table in the front area of the manager’s office overlooking the lab floor O11...
The 粘有胶带的钥匙 (Tape key) 是逃离塔科夫中的钥匙。 一把用蓝色胶带做了记号的钥匙 This is a location for the quest The chemistry closet On Sanitar 夹克 Scav 的口袋和背包 疗养院东楼一层110 Shoreline. Sport bag 电脑机箱 Multiple LEDX spawns in the bathroom
West wing room 216 two spawns immediately to the left on entry, on the ammo boxes and desk. West wing room 301 on the top of the white cans (can also be found in the room attached via balcony on desk or on the bed) West wing room 311 (always open) behind the bed on the pile ...
an M4A1 Weapon spawn on one of the computer desks, and a lootable Safe. The Lab. Green Keycard [Green] spawns on the manager office's reception desk (the desk can be seen as you approach the area, the spawn is located near an opened book, close to ...
Hi guys, so, I took a short break from Tarkov, but started playing again. I want to get as far as possible quests wise, and I'm at the quest where I need to give Therapist 3 opthalmoscopes and 3 ledx. I know I can just buy them off the flea market, but I
TwoPC's 散落的战利品 (Computer parts,Meds,Money) One Weapon Spawn (SV-98) 2 xLEDXspawns on table next to the computer. Gallery Inside room 301 Inside room 304 West Wing 301 LEDX spawn West Wing 304 LEDX spawns 展开 钥匙&钥匙卡