This makes this perhaps one of the best injectors in the game to keep in your container in case of emergencies, such as blacked legs but little time left on the clock. Better to play around such occurrences and avoid them happening in the first place, but we don’t live in a perfect ...
Each hidden exfil on a location requires its own unique item; The item cannot be taken out of the raid: it will be deleted at the end of the raid if it was left unused; Once used, the special item disappears from the player's inventory. Hidden exfils are available on: Customs; Sho...
A former doctor, he worked in the health resort ”Lazurny bereg”, and before that in the TerraGroup laboratory. After the events that happened in Tarkov, he gathered a gang with former colleagues and operates on the ”Shoreline”. Actively uses professional skills in combat, quickly healing h...
CMS surgical kitor theSurv12 field surgical kit, surgical kits restore a destroyed part to 1 HP; so their use needs to be combined with medkits to be effective. Destroyed parts that are restored with a surgical kit only have 25% to 45% (CMS) or 60 to 72% (Surv12) of their max H...
I've never gotten less than 28 mins on customs. It's usually between 28 and 32 left on the clock. Factory which I play a lot is pretty consistent also. Somebody mentioned getting 2 mins left on the clock. That doesn't sound right. I've never heard of that. Makes no sense. it ...
For me right now what really grinds my gears is the one tap scavs, the current armor/bullet meta and the server poopery. Posted On 7/13/2018 at 9:07 PM, TAW_Did said: Dosome scav runs, get a 153, with 8 round magazine and a laser sight, go to the factory and train ...
TL;DR: the PvE mode is fun but is missing a lot to make it feel complete. Raid timers need to be reverted. AI is still really frustrating because either it's braindead or you're getting laser-beamed. AI spawns are broken. Sound is still broken. Mode needs some work and features to...