Extracting is the only way you can successfully get out of a raid and keep all of your items & loot.To find which extraction points you have, double click "Z". Try to find the exact name of the extraction point on a map from the wiki (or the ones linked below) and walk towards t...
When you spawn, look around, take your map and try to find out where you are. Many of the maps that you can find on the net not only show the extraction points, but also boxes, bosses, POI and everything else that is important. With a given route you have a bit of security...
Press the interact button to pick the Secure Folder up and start heading towards the extract. Depending on where you spawn, the extraction points will be located on the opposite of the map. If you spawn on the western part, all of your extracts will be on the east, and vice versa. Ad...
In this shopping mall you will find some interesting locations like a burger spot, a parking lot, an emercom checkpoint, a power station, and someinteresting extraction pointsyou will definitely want to know, so don’t miss this Escape From Tarkov Interchange map guide and discover all the se...
Each map has multiple extraction points where you can leave the raid after a certain amount of time. To see the available extractions, double tapO. The extractions will be different for each raid depending on your spawn point and if you play as PMC (USEC/BEAR) orScav. ...
I’ve wandered around the tunnels of Reserve in search for some sweet loot and really being a safe way up to the dome and extraction. I never liked the hermetic door nor the train. Now Reserve is connected underground with the main buildings and it’s brilliant! New extraction and a LOT...
After spawning, get your bearings and plan your route to one of the available extraction points—see more on those below. Key landmarks that indicate you’ve landed on the west side of the map include the Storage Sheds and ‘Big Red’, a sizeable red warehouse. If you can spot the Gas...
Factory Exit Key –This key can only be used 50 times. It opens two more extraction points in Factory and an optional room that can be used in the “Bad rep evidence” quest. It can also open the doors to the guard building near the new gas station in the crane yard and the doors...
to loot, avoid being killed and find a place to escape successfully -these are called extractions points, each map has different ones with unique characteristics in order to open like special keys, a specific player amount in order to open, and established time zone or payment in roubles, ...
Extraction location is very handy and even shows how many meters away it is. I docked this one 2 points because of the menu and one feature that'd be nice to have. Knowing where containers are at would be a nice addition to this menu, but having a map pulled up on another monitor ...