The R15 gym is on the east side of the first level. The key can spawn on a stool in the gym. In R23, the key can spawn on the bottom of the shelves to the left of the entrance. Finally, the key can also spawn on the kitchen counter in B21 on the south end of the second le...
Underneath a key locker in the janitors closet by the east wing admin (glass) staircase on second floor of shoreline. Below where the East 226 key spawns. Key location可解锁地点 In the health resort on Shoreline: East wing: 3rd floor: room next to room 328 ...
Quests, both player-given and dynamically generated, are intended to be a large part of Escape from Tarkov. Some require you to pick stuff up for certain traders, while others require you to kill other operators or mark vehicles and specific places. Ques
And that's the most idiotic way I had died in Tarkov. What's your ultra-potato moment? We all have done that Ledx and graphics card in East 226. Beat everyone by miles. Decide to camp 226 from one of the computer rooms. Posted Most embarassing for opponent: It's late wipe and i ...
That sanitar room is indeed a LedX Spawn (Never found one in there myself), the ultra medical store as mentioned as well and room 222/226 of east wing by the cabinet (where I found the only LedX of this wipe lol). There are more places, for instance medical bags have very very...
湿活- 5是逃离塔科夫中的任务。 对话 ‘活干到位了,酬劳自然给的到位。从文件里我们查出来Artyom就住在328房间,我推测他也是在同一个房间工作的。找到进入他房间的方法,看看有没有什么相关记录留下,然后带给我。’ 要求 必须达到14级才能开始该任务。
East wing: 107 108 205 206 209 213 216 222 226 306 308 310 313 314 316 322 328 West wing: 104 112 203 205 207 216 218 219 220 221 222 301 303 306 309 323 325 Other keys Shoreline: Safe 321 Cottage safe key Health resort utility room key Cottage back enterance key Weapon safe ...
任务相关物品 图标物品名称 数量要求备注 East wing room 328 key 1 Required* 打开东楼328房间 Health resort utility room key 1 Required* 打开杂物间连接东楼328 Working hard drive 1 Handover item Located on PC block in East wing room 328 ...
Aspect company office key (Aspect) is a Key in Escape from Tarkov. A key from the entrance to the office of Aspect LLC on 56 Primorsky Ave. This key is not necessary to get into the building since it has a hole in the wall on the backside. On Kaban Door
别墅后门钥匙 (Cottage) 是逃离塔科夫中的钥匙。 Key to the shoreline cottage back entrance. Used in Therapists quest Colleagues - Part 2 夹克 Scav 的口袋和背包 On top of the bundle of water barrels in the backyard of the cottage on Shoreline. The east cott