AI AXMC KeySlot Harris bipod mount. Added new attachments for SCAR, G36, and AUG assault rifles. List of fixes[] Fixed the visual display artifacts of water in the Factory cellars when using DLSS; Fixed the weight display on the weapon build screen when switching from the Flea Market; ...
This means it’s harder to get you to bleed and when you do bleed your wounds tend to stop bleeding on their own, and any damage you take from bleeding/running on blacked limbs is going to be quickly healed. However, the side effects, like I said, are a bitch. During the last 30s...
Scopes and suppressors quite often don't come back so hang around on Fence and buy more of those to replace the lost items. If you don't mind losing your gear (because you have loads of guns and gear in your stash and a regular income stream), you will be more relaxed in-game and...