The whole mix between pen chanche, armor dmg, damage absorption/reduction, fracture chance, classes of armor, armor material, armor hitpoints and pen power... all of these things combined make it basically impossible to figure out, how many rounds you need to kill someone, just by looking ...
Instead, this value is put into an equation. It’s still a black box that might not be 100% accurate, but it appears to be that it’s dependant on the material, current durability, armor damage value, and whether the shot has penetrated the armor or not. Fragmentation Chance The chance...
the purpose and role of the game has changed. Rather than give players a glimpse for "a day in the life" for what it's like to actually play basketball, this gaming era is all about competition. It's now about creating a vehicle that let's players best each other in the most ey...
" Hey go get a gold pocket watch from a room on the map that never changes which is always camped and you will have to try again and again in hopes of actually reaching the watch let alone leave with it." Every material you will see will show it as a playable product, without ser...