VAT(value-added tax) 增值税 taxation 税制 multiple taxation双重税制 taxation bureau税务局 2. tariff tariff /ˈtærɪf/ (政府对进口货物征收的) 关税 常用搭配: → ad valorem tariff 从价税 → compound tariff 复合关税 → customs tariff 海关关税 → discriminating tariff 差别关税 → import tar...
Ad valorem – A percentage applied to the product's customs value. For example, an ad valorem duty rate of 5.5 percent applies to titanium oxides, covered by HTS subheading 2823.00.00. 从价税 – 根据商品的完税价格按百分比征收。例如,钛氧化物(HTS 子目 2823.00.00)适用 5.5% 的从价税。 Speci...
With TariffTel, you benefit from the highest standard in customs classification. You’ll soon see why it matters. Request a Demo See how TariffTel is differentAccurate tariff codes start with your suppliers Your suppliers know your products best, they are the gatekeepers to all product data. ...
Stay up to date with trade and compliance. Subscribe to our newsletter. Want to keep up to date with the very latest on customs and trade compliance topics? Get the latest insights and news in your inbox when you sign up to our newsletter....
CTHCustoms Tariff Heading CTHChurch-Turing Hypothesis(Artificial Intelligence) CTHCentrale des Travailleurs Haitiens(French: Confederation of Haitian Workers, Haiti) CTHConfection Textile Hôtelier(French textile manufacturer) CTHConsolidated Transaction History ... provide GACC Registration of China Customs, China 13-digit HS code,2022 new china HS code,tariff,Customs import tax rates search, China Customs Statistics Trade Data, Importing China compliance service
With TariffTel, you benefit from the highest standard in customs classification. You’ll soon see why it matters. Request a Demo See how TariffTel is different Accurate tariff codes start with your suppliers Your suppliers know your products best, they are the gatekeepers to all product data. ...
Missing from the analysis of customs unions has been a consideration of collective decisionmaking by countries regarding the union's common trade policy. In the case of the common European external tariff, how governments voted was not public information. This paper uses a unique dataset to derive...
some of the port tariff for the lowest price in Shenzhen and in the port has its own team of professional customs broker and the public all year round to manufacturers; logistics; Cargo Agents of goods import and export declarations and other services, access to public manufacturers; logistics;...
Anad-valoremtariff is levied based on the item's value, such as 5% of an import's value. Why Governments Impose Tariffs Governments may impose tariffs for several reasons: To raise revenues To protect domestic industries To protect domestic consumers ...