财政部宣布,自12月1日起,我国将进一步降低部分消费品进口关税(importtariffs on consumer goods),平均税率(average tariff rate)由17.3%降至7.7%。根据公告,此次降税(taxcut)品种涵盖食品、保健品(healthsupplements/healthproducts)、药品、日化用品(dailychemicals)、衣着鞋帽、家用设备、文化娱乐、日杂百货等各类消费...
Those customs duties that are still imposed today are usually either one of two types—specific duty, a tax levied on the quantity, whether by weight, size, or number, of the goods; or ad valorem duty, a percentage of the foreign or domestic price. The ad valorem duty is generally consi...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook TH (redirected fromTariff Heading) Category filter: AcronymDefinition THThursday THTommy Hilfiger THTownhouse(real estate) THThailand(TLD) THTom Hanks(actor) THTheater THTrailer Hitch(various companies) THTouhou Project ...
“We are extremely disappointed that the United States Trade Representative and the Biden administration have chosen to double down on a failed and inflationary strategy by sustaining and expanding the Section 301 China tariffs. Maintaining these tariffs on consumer goods will increase costs that consum...
When goods have been purchased abroad, a consumption tax applies and is collected by Customs when goods enter a country. What are Duties? Duties are an indirect tax imposed by the government on the consumer. Duties are applied to financial transactions and commodities. Duties are considered to ...
The whole process of every link and all taxes and fees is collected. The price of domestic luxury goods is usually at least 1/3 higher than that of the origin. A survey conducted by the Ministry of Commerce earlier showed that the high-end consumer goods of 20 brands, such as watches,...
News stories over the past few years have focused on tariffs and rumors of “escalated trade wars” between the United States and another country. But what is a tariff? Are they taxes on all imported goods? Do they ultimately get passed down to the consumer? Here’s everything you need ...
tariff,duty- a government tax on imports or exports; "they signed a treaty to lower duties on trade between their countries" anti-dumping duty- a tariff imposed to prevent dumping Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
An ad valorem tax is a tax that is based on the assessed value of a property, product, or service. The most common ad valorem tax examples includeproperty taxes on real estate, sales tax on consumer goods, and VAT on the value added to a final product or service. ...
These tariffs have raised the prices of imported goods in the US, and the costs will be ultimately borne by US businesses and consumers, said a spokesperson from China's Ministry of Commerce on Saturday. The final revisions announced by the USTR under the Section 301 investigation into Chinese...