industry. it can be used to deliver targeted advertising based on location for, say, a restaurant chain that wants to deliver targeted ads to people nearby. it can be used to measure consumer behavior and the effectiveness of advertising. how many people saw an ad and later visited ...
This is a project to achieve precision landing on drones using ArduCopter firmware, using (monocular) vision alone. Fiducial markers are printed and used as landing targets, and these targets provide orientation, location and distance information when combined with accurate size information of the mar...
'scenario_builder=nuplan_mini', # use nuplan mini database 'scenario_filter=all_scenarios', # initially select all scenarios in the database 'scenario_filter.scenario_types=[near_multiple_vehicles, on_pickup_dropoff, starting_unprotected_cross_turn, high_magnitude_jerk]', # select scenario ty...
Frequently used attractors of focal attention are separate cues that are placed at or near the target location. Fig. 5 shows the dynamics of target identification when items were marked with a circular cue of standard size (cue onset at target presentation time 0 ms, offset 20 ms later). ...
Such tau compac- tion and gain of structure may be explained by location of amino acids implicated in zinc chelation. Indeed, zinc ions are chelated by Cys291, Cys322 and probably by His330, His362 as shown using tau (244–372) fragment and its mutants [102]. Chelation by these ...
If you have a 30t personal footprint you should be able to make enormous reductions regardless of your location. Focus on heating and cooling and access to low carbon electricit. If you can afford a large footprint you can certainly afford access to alternatives and technologies to reduce ...
Identifying neoantigens recognized by CD4+ T cells In a recent study, neoantigens recognized by CD4+ T cells were identified by exome sequencing and screening with peptide-loaded B cells [223]; however, the use of TILs from three melanoma patients identified only a few (0-3) neoantigens, ...
My class is next Monday. Would love to get it into the course. I like the Pivot Stands. Thank you for sending me your recommendation for the length of the 2x4 to use. I like the way I can set to be static or a pepper popper target. Again thank you for your fast replays . I ...
To quantitate the relationship between these presumptive TFH cells and B cells, we developed novel, automated and therefore unbiased algorithms (using Python/Linux) to define the location of cells expressing multiple surface markers and then to assess the shortest distances between the same or ...
their chronic use has proved to be detrimental. Other PDEs, such as PDE1, PDE2, PDE4, PDE5, PDE9 and PDE10, have emerged as new potential targets to treat HF, each having a unique role in local cyclic nucleotide signalling pathways. In this Review, we describe cAMP and cGMP signalling...